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Gero Notes 2 24 2 26 Chronic Conditions with Age Heart disease is the 1 killer of women in America Cancer 60 of new cancers 70 of cancer related deaths occur in people 65 Older women breast cancer Older men prostate cancer Arthritis Second most common chronic disease For survivors cancer can be chronic rather than life threatening in some cases There is a greater risk for cancer with older age it becomes more difficult to diagnose Rheumatiod Arthritis inflammation of joints and tendons Symptoms pain swelling bone dislocation Osteo Arthritis Gradual degeneration of the joints of the hands knees hips shoulders Most common in women 85 Related to heredity lifestyle obesity occupational stress wear tear on joints Therapies anti inflammatory drugs exercise heat cold Osteoporosis extreme form of bone loss More common in women Small stature low body weight Greatest bone loss occurs during after menopause Related to deficiencies in calcium vitamin D estrogen depletion lack of exercise Treatment meds exercise HRT hormone replacement therapy HRT may lead to an increased risk of breast cancer heart disease and stroke Preventing Osteoporosis bone density scan increase calcium intake daily increase vitamin D intake weight bearing exercise walking NO SMOKING Diabetes Above normal glucose levels in blood and urine Inability to create or effectively use insulin Type One body cannot make insulin Type Two most common body doesn t properly use insulin Diabetes is common all across the lifespan not just in old age Treatment medication healthy diet exercise Prediabetes blood glucose is higher than normal but lower than the diabetes range Symptoms increased thirst hunger fatigue increased urination weight loss blurred vision slow healing of sores Serious complications stroke blindness kidney disease limb loss symptoms may not show up in older adults Prevention regular exercise reduce fat caloric intake lose little weight monitor BP Role of Health Behaviors Leading causes of death smoking poor diet lack of physical activity alcohol Healthy diet under and overweight people have the highest mortality rate Obesity increased risk of chronic disease Exercise can slow aging rate improved immune functioning decreased fall rates maintains functional capacity Implications for Older Drivers Experiences changes in hand eye coordination Slower reaction time Impaired vision especially at night Driving is important for maintaining independence Older adults are at an increased risk for car accidents Hearing impairments Declined attention Declined physical strength air bag may cause serious injuries Aura of Survivorship Older adults who enter later life in still relatively good health the robust oldest old Robust oldest old physically active free of disability volunteer

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