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3 3 14 Video Replication of the Milgram Experiment The point of this experiment was to see how far people would go in shocking someone when listening to authority The difference between the replication and the original was that they did not go all the way in voltage 65 of men went on to 150 volts and 73 of women went on to 150 volts Women are less willing to challenge People said that they were just listening to authority and obeying orders doing their job Experimenter told them it wouldn t be their responsibility if anything and that it would be okay If it s not their responsibility it s not their problem 1 3 of the people stopped early and refused to continue 70 continued People who stopped took responsibility When there was an accomplice there was little decrease in people who continued 63 continued McDonald s Case Obeying authority Someone called saying they were the cops and told the manager to stripped down an employee and make her do various activities The manager said she was just obeying an authority figure It s fine to obey just authority not unjust authority Zimbardo Zimbardo Stanford Prison Experiment College students were picked to either be prisoners or prison guards at a prison Prisoners given numbers as names and only wore a smock Guards armed Lucifer Effect one guard took charge and they all started treating the prisoners very poorly The guards limited their food and made them exercise constantly The guards goal was to humiliate them The guards lost their moral compass Two prisoners were removed early Then in less than a week four prisoners were removed from having mental breakdowns The experiment ended but Zimbardo wished he would have ended it earlier Chapter 7 Continued Deviance and Social Control Conformity and Obedience Conformity going along with peers who have no special right to direct behavior Zimbardo study Obedience compliance with higher authorities in a hierarchal structure The experimenter instructed people to administer increasingly painful Milgram experiment The Milgram Experiment electric shocks to a subject Teachers and learners Mild shock 15 volts Danger severe shock 450 volts Intense shock 350 volts Jerry Burger 2006 Replication of Milgram s study 70 full obedience Milgram s study 80 Women 73 Men 65 Asch 1952 Research Results 2 3 of participants fell into category of obedient subjects Group conformity Experiment with group of people with only one person not knowing Two cards one with 3 different size lines and one with one line Goal was to find the matching same size line People were uncomfortable so they switch their answer to not feel left out 1 3 yielded to the group of the time and knew they were giving wrong answers but were just sick of being the odd one out 40 gave wrong answers less than half of the time 25 stuck with their answer What is Deviance a group or society Deviance behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of Involves violation of group norms which may or may not be formalized into law What can be deviant in one culture it may not be in another Deviance is relative Something deviant at one time may not be in the future Example having a baby before marriage Why Do People Violate Norms Competing explanations of deviance 1 Biological Explanations 1911 Cesare Lombroso Features Strong jawbone focus on genetic predispositions Inborn criminal looked at characteristics to predict criminals Shifty eyes Red hair Short arms 1913 Charles Goring No difference in characteristics between 3 000 convicts and 3 000 law abiding citizens 1940s William Sheldon The body type thought muscular people would most likely be convicts 1960s Genetic Abnormality extra Y chromosome Dutch study went into prisons to find these types of people They also have a low IQ Correlation does not equal causation May be in prison for other reasons 1985 Herrstein and Wilson Inborn factors predispose street crime Having problems in school results to this 2 Psychological Explanations focus on individual abnormality involving personality Freud arrested development Berkowitz fragile self esteem low self esteem 3 Sociological Explanations All behavior deviance as well as conformity is shaped by society Functionalist Perspective Durkheim s Legacy Deviance has a number of social consequences some of which are functional and some of which are dysfunctional to society Looking at positives and negatives of deviance Dysfunctions of Deviance Functions of Deviance 1 Clarification of Norms 2 Enhancement of Solidarity 3 Diversion of Discontent 1 Disruption of Social Order 2 Confusion of Norms and Values 3 Diversion of Resources Merton s Theory of Deviance Anomie Theory of Deviance How people adapt in certain ways by conforming to or by deviating from cultural expectations Mode Institutional Means hard work Societal Goal acquisition of wealth Conformist non deviant Accept Innovator deviant Reject ex cheating Ritualist deviant lose sight of goal Retreatist deviant Rebel deviant Accept Reject Conflict Theory their needs Replace with new means Replace with new goals People with power protect their own interests and define deviance to suit Accept Accept Reject Reject Interactionist Perspective what goes on between people Cultural Transmission Theory Cultural Transmission explains deviance as behavior that is learned in the same way as conformity through interaction with other people Differential Association social relationships oriented toward particular types of people such as criminals Bad behavior is learned in primary group settings bad companions Sutherland Social Disorganization Theory absence or breakdown of communal relationships and social institutions increases in crime and deviance attributed to Some claim social disorganization theory seems to blame the victim saying it s not fair Zimbardo took a car into two different neighborhoods and left the hood up The boarded up neighborhood stole the car right away In the other neighborhood no one took the car but only put down the hood when it started raining Labeling Theory deviants while others are not also known as societal reaction approach attempts to explain why some people are viewed as Societal Reaction Approach response to an act not the behavior determines deviance Who will be labeled as worse Hooker vs Prostitute William Chambliss the saints and the roughnecks Hanibal High School Skipped school Got drunk Engaged in fighting and vandalism Social Class Saints eight boys temporarily deviant and confused

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KSU SOC 12050 - Replication of the Milgram Experiment

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