ARTHI 6B Early Modern European Art An economy has to be large enough to produce luxury objects such as art however aka a person with excessive wealth can make art or sponsor another to make art Functional art that serve purposes Subjects used to be primarily religious in art became secular Primary functional object is the altarpiece religious art Master of St Giles Mass of St Giles 1500 Liturgical function rituals within church Priest person in front of table ordained clergy performing Mass Mass most important ritual in the church preformed in front of altar Altar sacrificial table Altarpiece pictorial representation of religious subjects placed behind the altar Corporal white cloth that covers altar corporal body body of Christ rests on the corporal during Mass Host small white disk wheat wafer priests raises it above his head transubstantiation Transubstantiation changing substances wafer turns into body of Christ Jean le Tavernier Philip the Good at Mass 1457 67 It s a sin to perform Mass if not feeling contrite guilty of your sins Man kneeling in blue box is Philip the Good Duke of Burgundy with a Book of Hours Devotional function emotional love response Mary Jesus contrition guilt response sin Book of Hours each day is divided into 6 hours and there is a prayer for each Prayers are devoted into particular priests Illustrated called illuminations Diptych two panels medium for paintings wood in front of Philip the Good picture of Mary and Jesus to bring about emotional and contrition response so he can participate in Mass Penitence punishment pilgrimage certain prayers etc Prie dieu praying to God table with padded knee rest and slanted table for Bible Dieric Bouts Justice of Otto III 1462 Functional secular work usually portraits Otto III lived way before Bouts Empress accuses man in white of seducing her Emperor skips procedures and beheads him In 2nd half of picture wife of Otto in red holds a hot iron bar which doesn t burn her which proves her husband is innocent emperor burns wife at stake shown in back Exemplum justiriae example of the law Chiastic forming X relationship Function purpose of proper procedures in law Docore to teach this image teaches people in the court room the nature of laws Movore to move the emotions produce emotional response the headless body is supposed to shock should not lie in court Memoria to remind people remind people of what they already know in this case why you Delectare to delight because of formality colors etc one becomes entranced with image so a stronger emotional response can be drawn in this case flowers in 1st half bright colors how the coals are presented Leonardo da Vinci Fetus in Utero c1510 13 Albrecht Durer GreatPiece of Turf 1503 Function of both pieces is to learn about the physical world Leonardo da Vinci Apocalypse c1517 18 Albrecht Durer Dream Apocalypse 1525 Both about lakes Durer s was in a dream Function Early attempts to explore inner workings of the mind Matthias Grunewald Crucifixion Isenheim Altarpiece c1510 15 Gian Lorenzo Berninin Ecstacy of St Theresa 1645 52 Focus on bodies Grunewald Horrific image to show one the pain Christ suffered for us Berninin St Theresa had a dream that an angel plunged a flaming arrow into her heart which she felt love from Albrecht Durer Self Portrait 1500 Rogier van der Weyden St Luke Drawing the Virgin c1435 Function identity creation Durer Ubiquitous gaze gaze that looks anywhere everywhere supposed to make you feel uncomfortable trying to make an association between artistic creation and religious figures Weyden artist making a statement about his profession a self portrait not necessarily of himself Italian St Francis Altarpiece c1260 Altarpiece St Francis was a rich man who donated all his money to preach to others He preached by accounting stories out of the Bible and explaining their significance Pictured He loved preaching so much he would preach to anyone thing preaching to birds Arthi 6B 1 2 Giotto s Arena Chapel c 1260 West wall has Last Judgment East wall has God s Mission Churches in Europe were almost always built east west with the west as the entrance and the east as the altar Story of Joachim Fresco fresh plaster is applied to wall and artist paints directly on wet plaster Fresco seco dry fresco on surface of wall Anunciation God sends one of his archangels o Gabriel messengers o Michael military angel o Gabriel descends from heaven with a message to Mary she will bear the son of God Ave gratia plena hail Mary Ecce ancilla dei Behold the servant of God I will obey God becomes human flesh the moment Mary is told of conception Reincarnations incarnation on flesh Halo represents a vision of a holy figure o Mandorla halo with a cross on it Jesus usually has this type of halo Left means sinister right means good o Left side has hell scene demons eating and pooping people o Warning to not end up here o Below Christ is a cross which represents Christ s suffering and therefore has the power to judge everyone o Right side has Heaven o Enrico Scrovengi presents the Arena Chapel to virgin Mary he donated the chapel since his father was a banker who charged interest which is against the church Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple o C 1310 o Joachim is being pushed away from the temple by a priest and unto the ground Joachim with the Shepherds o C 1310 o Joachim looks down is humbled o 4 trees one leaning into Joachim one notes the distance between Joachim and the Shepherds 1 representing the shepherds and one for the house Annunciation to Anna o C 1310 o An angel is telling Anna that she will give birth to Mary very similar to Mary s story about conceiving Jesus o Seaming servant outside and needlework proves Anna is a good housewife Joachim s Offering Accepted by God o C 1310 o Angel comes to tell Joachim to make an offering to God o Burns a lamb hand of God comes down to receive it o U shaped picture starting from the hills going down to kneeling Joachim and ending with the standing angel Joachim s Dream o C 1310 o Angel comes to sleeping Joachim o Joachim sheep s house mountain pyramid like effect Meeting at the Golden Gate o C 1310 o Joachim is reunited with his wife Anna and able to return to Jerusalem o Intimate moment of kissing o Entering into the right side from the left the first painting of this series he is leaving from the left and being pushed to the right Betrayal of Christ Kiss of Judas o Judas takes 30 pieces of silver for turning in Christ o Tells the guards
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