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Gender Identity Monday February 25th Gender Atypical Identity Defining Terms o Transgendered mismatched o Transsexual gender identity o Transvestite If your biological sex and gender identity are People who change biology to more closely conform to Cross dress because of a fetish for sexual arousal irrelevant to gender identity Does atypical gender behavior atypical identity o No because gender identity is internal Diagnosable o Gender Identity Disorder GID DSM IV TR Transgender o Gender Dysphoria DSM V GID renamed this so it no longer has a negative connotation Distress one feels because of this discrepancy Gender Dysphoria Gender non conformity refer to extent to which identity differs from cultural norms Only some gender nonconforming people experience Gender Dysphoria and only at some points in their life Considered replacing GID with Gender Incongruence o The available research is mostly on biological males Gender Dysphoria in Children Kids as young as 2 can show signs Extremely nonconforming to less intense Co morbidity with internalizing disorders o Struggling with identity and it doesn t fit roles cause anxiety depression Higher prevalence of Autism spectrum prevalence with referred population In most gender dysphoria will disappear by in early puberty o Gender dysphoria does not equal trans Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents In some feelings will intensify in adolescence o Body changing to biological sex born with o Incongruence may intensify anxiety o Dysphoria not associated with delusions psychosis Many adults adolescents with gender dysphoria have no history of gender nonconformity o Surprise to family friends negative reactions Distress may come from incongruence between body and identity o May wish for hormones surgery o Some adolescents are living in desired gender role by high school Brain scan study actual Are They Distressed o Gender dysphoria more similar to opposite biological sex than Criterion B Distress Impairment o Condition must be causing distress and impairment o Prior to Transition Inherent distress questionable cant say all are distressed by being trans Distress with stigma negativity from environment Minority Stress Stress that comes with being with a discriminated against minority o Post transition Improvement disappearance of gender dysphoria Literature supports gender dysphoria tends to improve and often disappear after transition Increased well being health sexual function Satisfaction no regrets Put something in with traditional classifier full remission Not suggest this in next edition Post transition not full remission Options for Treatment Physicians may offer puberty suppression to adolescents Hormone treatment o Effects risks of feminizing hormones Soften voice round body less hair in male pattern Increased risk of breast cancer o Effects risks of maculating hormones Hair in male pattern voice deepen clitoris enlarge Voice and communication therapy o Movement speech flirting Surgery o MtF clients Breast implants Penectomy Orcadectomy o FtM clients Mastectomy Hysterectomy o 12 continuous months rules Live with gender identity for year before you can surgically change sex Recommended but not required anymore Referral is required for breast surgery Two referrals required for genital surgery The Role of Mental Health Professionals Mental health professionals competencies o Mental health competency plus Knowledge about gender gender identities treatment assessment of gender dysphoria Continuing education in gender dysphoria Trans Ohio o Workshop seminar every August o Trans individuals speak

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OSU PSYCH 4543 - Gender Identity

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