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Gender History Wed Fri January 9th 11th Some Questions Are men women different Why are they different o Biology o Environment o Both The Eternal Argument Essentialist Nature o Evolution has made our brains different Shaped male and female brains differently o Fixed and invariant due to biology o View the sexes as opposite to one another Women opposite sex o Gurian Stevens 2004 Walk through review of biological literature Women and men have the following difference in brain structure Therefore learn differently Gives ways to set up educational environment Girls physical games take pictures of girls being successful at tasks Boys books around room verbal instructions down to one minute nurture boys through rough play with others o Maximalist view Big differences o Use sex versus the term gender Biosocial Nurture o Minimalist view o Men and women behave differently o Stereotypes created by social structures norms not by nature Learn these beliefs and conform to them o Social constructivism We construct our society and people and they are a product of our society o Differences between sexes complex puzzle Result of many factors both biological and social environmental o Cochrane 2008 Opinion piece o Fine 2010 Delusions of Gender We look for confirmation of our stereotypes o Use gender versus the term sex History Studying Gender Structuralism o Emphasis Generalized adult mind How can we describe a human being gender didn t play Women highly maternal less intelligent less goal much of a role o Role of Gender Minimal only used male subjects Functionalism o Emphasis Purpose of mind s activities Interested in biological differences Used men women and animals o Role of Gender Concluded women inferior to men driven Behaviorism o Emphasis Scientific study of behavior observable only o Role of Gender Minimal ignored social factors Gender doesn t play a strong role Mostly interested in learning and memory Mainly used animals Psychoanalysis o Emphasis Personality development Based on environment o Role of Gender Men superior morally intellectually Boys get much more trauma in development than girls Childhood harsher for boys Stronger gender identification with same sex parent Development of Women s Studies Feminist Movements What is feminism o Educated choices for men and women o Genuine equality for men and women o Vision of gender roles that allows others to become genuine selves o Rigid gender roles and stereotypes hurt both men and women o Studies have shown that feminists show lower levels of hostility toward men then non feminists do Feminist Movements o 1st wave 19th early 20th century Suffrage birth control property rights Susan B Anthony Alice Paul Iron Jawed Angels o 2nd wave 1960s 3 types of feminism Liberal Egalitarian Feminism Ending discrimination based on sex Equal rights for women Radical Feminism Change entire social system Oppression based on race class gender Without radical action we will suffer Cultural Feminism Women should be in charge Accepts and appreciates traditional feminine Women are caring and nurturing so they can heal stereotype wounds Put them in charge things will get done Unlikely to be radical or egalitarian Considering diversity what about women of color o Intersection of racism and sexism o Didn t feel welcomed o Pushing two equality movements together took a very long time Development of Women s Studies Women in Psychology Mary Whiton Calkins o Lived 1863 1930 o Refused admission to Harvard Doctoral psychology program o Men refused to take class with women o Did independent studies o 1902 completed all required classes outscored male peers on doctoral qualifying exams Harvard denied PhD Radcliff said they d give her a degree o 1905 first woman president APA o 1906 12th leading psychologist in the US Inez Prosser o First African American woman to receive degree o University of Cincinnati 1933 Died in automobile accident the year after Margaret Flow Washburn o First American woman to get doctorate in psychology o Cornell 1894 o Professor at Wells college Denied at research institutions o 1921 president APA 1941 National Council of Women Psychologists o rejected division for 30 years 1973 1968 Weisstein s influential paper o Psychology of gender o Argued so biased that we knew nothing about women at all from psychology research Aimed at Freudian theory 1969 and 1970 o APA conventions o Advocated less biased psychology research 1973 APA division 35 formed o Women and women s issues Focus on Ohio State In what year did OSU open for classes o September 17th 1873 o Land grant act 1872 o Admitted women 24 students Mary Frank Morrison Originally all women s dorm Annie Sabine Seibert Originally all women s dorm o Gab room University Hall o Pomerene Hall Women argued they should have a space 1927 building completed 1917 women s council sought money for women s building Appeal to university legislature Got 150 000 Swimming pool lounges cafeteria Did women graduate from OSU o Yes o 1879 Mary Frank Morrison B S o Annie Sabine 1886 first masters degree o 1894 first PhD awarded to Lucy Adelaide Booth The Men s Movement Men also examined gender roles o Some chose to be part of the feminist movement fighting for equality 1970s feminist men joined NOW National Organization of Women Founded June 30th 1966 in Washington D C NOW Egalitarian Feminism o Some concluded gender roles restrict men too National Coalition of Men o Some want to return to traditional gender roles Similar to cultural feminism Promise Keepers Celebrate the traditional gender roles Formed in 1990s evangelical Christian philosophy Reject homosexuality Conservative political views Creating nurturing involved fathers Overall men s movement lacks cohesion o Not as large or well organized o Not as politically powerful as women s movement has been

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OSU PSYCH 4543 - Gender: History

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