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RMI 4224 Chapter 10 Study Guide Monoline policy policy that contains a single coverage part Multiline policy policy that contains two or more coverage parts Commercial Package Policy or CPP Policy Structure Common Policy Declarations Common Policy Conditions CGL Declarations CGL Coverage Form Endorsements Policy Types Occurrence CG 00 01 damages is made Claims Made CG 00 02 Definitions Bodily Injury from any of these at a time Property Damage o Dominant Form 97 of policies use this form o Occurrence trigger o Event of injury has to occur during policy period doesn t matter when claim for o Claims made trigger o Activated when injury occurs after a date specified in the declarations and before the end of the period and claim for damages has to be made during the policy period bodily injury sickness or disease sustained by a person including death o Physical injury to tangible person and all resulting loss of use o Loss of use to tangible property that is not physically injured o Electronic data is not considered tangible property Occurrence same general harmful conditions an accident including continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the o Broader than an accident Coverage Territory o The United States of America Puerto Rico and Canada o International waters or airspace only if injury or damage occurs in the course of transportation or travel between any place included above o All other parts of the world if the damage arises out of Goods or products made or sold by you in the territory described in first bullet The activities of the a person whose home is in the territory described in the first bullet but is away for a short time on your business Personal and advertising injury offenses that take place through the internet or similar electronic means of communication a notice that is broadcast or published to the general public or specific Advertisement market segments about your goods products or services for the purpose of attracting new customers or supporters out of one or more of the following injury including consequential bodily injury arising Personal and Advertising Injury o False arrest detention or imprisonment o Malicious prosecution o Wrongful eviction from wrongful entry into or invasion of the right of private occupancy of a room dwelling or premises that a person occupies committed by or on behalf of its owner landlord or lessor o Oral or written publication in any manner of material that slanders or libels a person or organization or disparages a person s or organization s goods products or services o Oral or written publication in any manner of material that violates a person s right of privacy o Infringing upon another s copyright trade dress or slogan in your advertisement Insured Contract for bodily injury and or property damage any of the following contracts that assume responsibility for liability o LEASE o Lease liability assumed under a lease of premises Landlord usually requires a tenant to assume responsibility for any bodily injury or property damage that occurs on the premises described in the lease o Easement liability assumed under an easement right to use another s land or license agreement A business may want to use someone else s land for an ongoing basis o An obligation to indemnify a municipality as required by ordinance Definitions o Sidetrack agreement Railroad track which runs from a main railroad line Sidetrack may go through a manufacturer s or distributor s property In exchange for providing the sidetrack the railroad requires the named insured to sign an agreement assuming liability arising out of the use and maintenance of the sidetrack o Elevator maintenance agreement Typically an agreement that indicates which party is held harmless and which party assumes the responsibility for the liability of the other party in the event of an accident arising out of maintenance of the elevator o tort liability of another assumed by the named insured Insured contract also includes any other contract pertaining to the named insured s business under which the named insured assumes the tort liability of another to pay for bodily injury or property damage to a third party or organization land motor vehicle trailer or semi trailer designed for use on public roads Auto including any attached machinery or equipment or any other land vehicle that is subject to a compulsory or financial responsibility law or any other motor vehicle insurance law in the state where licensed or principally garaged o Does not include mobile equipment Self propelled vehicles with permanently attached equipment are considered autos Equipment designed to primarily for snow removal street clearing and road maintenance other than construction or resurfacing Cherry pickers and vehicles with similar lifting devices mounted on automobile or truck chassis Vehicles with air compressors pumps and generators including spraying welding building cleaning geophysical exploration lighting and well servicing equipment any of the following types of land vehicles including any Mobile Equipment attached machinery or equipment for use off public roads o Bulldozers farm machinery forklifts and other vehicles principally designed o Vehicles maintained for use solely on or next to premises the named insured owns or rents o Vehicles that travel on crawler treads o Vehicles whether self propelled or that are not self propelled that are maintained primarily to provide mobility to permanently mounted power cranes shovels loaders etc o Vehicles that are not self propelled that are used primarily to provide mobility to permanently attached air compressors pumps spraying equipment welding equipment cherry pickers and other equipment used to raise and lower workers Mobile equipment does not include any land vehicles that are subject to a compulsory or financial responsibility law or other motor vehicle insurance law in the state where it is licensed or principally garaged Your Product o Means Any goods or products other than real property manufactured sold handled distributed or disposed of by You Others trading under your name A person or organization whose business or assets you have acquired Containers other than vehicles materials parts or equipment furnished in connection with such goods or products o Includes Warranties or representations made at any time with respect to the fitness quality durability performance or use of your product The providing of or failure to provide warnings or

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