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September 30 2013 Inheritance Protein Synthesis and Blood Types Co Dominance a pair of different alleles are BOTH expressed o No intermediate both traits show up o EX Human blood types Sex Chromosomes chromosomes that determine an individuals sex A B AB O o Male of female o In humans it s the 23rd pair ONLY o Two chromosomes either X or y XX female Xy male o Females can only contribute an X o Males can contribute an X or a y Determine the gender of baby o X and y are different in size and shape o The X chromosome is large with lots of info o The y chromosome is small short stub of a chromosome X Chromosome o All individuals MUST carry an X chromosome o The condition y is FATAL o A vital component of human life is at least in part on the X chromosome Protein Synthesis o From DNA to Protein o 2 processes involved Transcription copying DNA Translation reading DNA o Transcription Occurs in the nucleus of the cell Form mRNA off the DNA code 1st mRNA copies DNA Enzyme RNA polymerase mRNA is edited 2nd mRNA moves out of the nucleus o Translation Occurs outside nucleus in the cytoplasm Form polypeptide off the mRNA code 1st Initiation mRNA attaches to ribosome Start Codon AUG RNA molecule 2nd Elongation Amino acids linked tRNA with Amino Acid Anticodon 3rd Termination protein detaches o Codon triplicate code of mRNA 3 base sequence of mRNA Determines sequence of AA s triplicate code on tRNA 3 base code matches up with the codon Each tRNA has anti codon and AA o Anti Codon o DNA mRNA the matching pair tRNA starts at start codon matching code Blood Types o Where are blood types found in humans Structures on the red blood cells o Hematopoiesis o Where does it occur blood cell formation Red bone marrow all blood cells are produced by the red marrow o Agglutination blood cells that are clumped together Typically red blood cells o Blood types Type A A antigens ball like structures shown Type B B antigens spike like structures shown Type AB A and B antigens both structures shown Type O No antigens smooth surface of rbc s Type A blood will produce B antibodies Type B blood will produce A antibodies Type AB blood will produce NO antibodies Type O blood will produce A and B antibodies Blood RH factor o Additional antigen on RBC it is either Present Rh Absent Rh o Rh is from Reese s monkeys o Most rare blood type is AB o About 3 has AB o Most common blood type is o About 50 has O O If type A gets type A no problem no agglutination If type B gets type A problem agglutination Type AB blood NO antibodies at all UNIVERSAL RECEPTOR Type O blood NO antigens at all CAN ONLY RECEIVE O UNIVERSAL DONOR

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OSU BIOLOGY 1101 - Lecture notes

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