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September 11 2013 Gasoline average tax 47 cents per gallon 325 per year North America accounts for 25 of the World Oil Energy Recycled oil is just dirty can be refined U S uses 350 billion gallons per day Avg person uses 100 gallons Oil o Carbohydrates o All carbohydrates are composed of sugar units o 1 unit or many sugar units o Carbohydrates 3 general classes o Monosaccharide ONE SUGAR simple sugars Glucose most common Fructose sweetest Galactose Water soluble sweet taste All of these are C6H12O6 The difference is the shape of the molecules different shape different function o Glucose ring structure o Fructose collapsed ring structure o Galactose 5 Carbons with a 6th sticking off the High Fructose Corn Syrup very sweet found in bread Fructose and pop o Disaccharide o Increases glycemic index more calories TWO SUGARS sometimes called oligosaccharide few Two monosaccharaides put together Glucose Glucose Maltose Glucose Galactose Lactose Glucose Fructose Sucrose table sugar o All water soluble with a sweet taste OSE some kind of carbohydrate o Polysaccharide MANY SUGARS Starch All glucose found in plants AMYLOSE Starch molecules little branching Glycogen All glucose found in animals fungus Glycogen molecules highly branched STORAGE COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES o You lose water weight at the start of a diet TRUE because you burn more glycogen for energy glycogen has water surrounding it when you burn it you excrete the water Where do humans primarily store glycogen o In the liver and muscles Cellulose All glucose found in plants STRUCTURAL POLYSACCHARIDE strong Commonly called fiber Humans get NO nutritional value from Cellulose no calories WE CAN DIGEST GLYCOGEN BUT WE CAN T DIGEST CELLULOSE because the cellulose is not broken down and goes right through you The glycogen breaks down and stays in your body September 13 2013 o Lipids o Hydrophobic afraid of water weak or no affinity for water o Hydrophilic loves water strong affinity for water o Characteristically greasy oil substances o Hydrophobic substances o Lipid is a common term for Fats 1 g of fat stores over 2x the energy as 1 g of a Stores energy polysaccharide 1 pound of fat stores about 3500 calories Humans store fat in their fat o 70 overweight to obese range o 5 overweight to obese range o Diet lose 1 pound per week 2 basic components Glycerol Fatty Acids Triglycerides Fatty Acid Molecules Glycerol Triglycerides o Saturated No C C double bonds in chain H fills all available C bonds Saturated with Hydrogen Mostly animal fats Solid at room temperature Butter lard o Unsaturated At least some C C double bonds H does not fill all C bonds Unsaturated with Hydrogens Mostly plant fats Liquid at room temperature Oils peanut oil vegetable oil 2 subtypes September 16 2013 Monounsaturated double bond Polyunsaturated double bonds one C to C many C to C Trans Fat across the double bond harder to break down than cis isomers Essential fatty acids they can t be manufactured by humans and must be obtained through the diet o Omega 3 o Omega 6 Phospholipids tail group Hydrophilic polar head and hydrophobic nonpolar Steroids Sterols Biologically very important Major component of cell membranes One hydrophilic and one hydrophobic end Membranes o Composed of a double layer of phospholipids Sterols all have a backbone of 4 Carbon rings Cholesterol is the main type in animals o Cholesterol is from food and family heredity Cholesterol is modified to form estrogen testosterone and vitamin D

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OSU BIOLOGY 1101 - Lecture notes

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