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9 9 13 Morales myth is a process rather than a product pg 2 myth of Europa in the EU used to motivate ppl to vote for formation myths can be used for something beyond their direct meaning myth acts a symbol Europa was a woman raped by Zeus Ovid gives the myth of Europa in a tongue in cheek method Zeus makes himself a bull to seduce a woman ovid makes use of puns starts in the middle of stories Ovid s context Myths are multivocal rich roman man irreverent view of political system similar to irreverence in stories makes fun of the Gods makes Zeus look ridiculous translator adds pun to help with understand the original tone different versions can convey different possible meanings SAME versions can have multiple meanings depends on how you read it Ideology Modern force of myths structure of thought underpinning a set of social norms practices reinforce or subvert our modern ideologies related to MODERN social norms designed to be psychologically satisfying to US or some subset thereof eg Harry Potter designed to appeal to young ppl who feel like they need to overcome obstacles Prometheus Morales 32 38 communist or capitalist brings fire and technology but also stole fire from the upper class gods to the proleteriat Introduction to the Land of Greece Mount Olympus Gods live on it or above it pretty mountain Greece has many mountains travel difficult between different regions no political union many poleis Gods worshipped on mountaintops ppl took refuge at acropolis top of city during attack hill in the middle of the city Delphi oracle Much sea travel much trading going on contact maintain this way good marine goes into myth Jason the Argonauts Voyages of the Odysseus Major crops agrarian society prayings to gods for good conditions Olives olive oil gift of athena Grapes wine gift of Dionysius trade fro grain decorations on pots to show what s inside Demeter Persephone wheat goddess Chronological order of greek history bronze age dark age geometric age Homer due to geometric designs archaic classical hellenistic Roman age 9 11 13 Artemis Apollo twin children of Leto Zeus born on Delos Homeric hymns not all composed by Homer written over period of 300 years in homeric dialect meter most likely performed at religious festivals like one described in Hymn to Delian Apollo Boer 158 9 Boer translation gives a sense of wonder fear the gods inspired in their worshippers The official 12 Olympians all siblings or children of Zeus father of gods and men origins in next unit For each Olympian learn greek roman names their spheres of influence major epithets attributes epithet something which describes a god eg Artemis of the golden arrow apollo the Far Shooter Leto of the Beautiful hair Attribute study the god chart Anthropomorphic qualities of the Olympians qualities shared w humans an object shown in visual art to identify a god or hero visual cue eg Apollo and lyre quiver lack of beard have bodies often taller or bigger physical needs desires food sex sleep can feel pain but not be killed form a family and a society not omniscient or omnipotent polytheistic religions tend to limit gods powers jealousy of mortals Hesphestus has lame legs Great privilege of gods they will live forever p161 of Pythian Hymn Many gods just not as powerful as the 12 Olympians The Paradoxical spheres of Artemis protects hunts wild animals a virgin goddess of childbirth Logic in this virgin untamed a goddess of the wilderness taming is becoming subordinate to a man in marriage hunters want animals to reproduce punishment of women who become sexually active death in childbirth was common she can kill or save animals women in childbirth most gods have dual nature can help or hinder give gifts or withhold them associated with wild animals Acteon Apollo Artemis kill the 12 14 children of Niobe Phoebus Apollo radiant civilizing god Homeric hymns to Apollos saw her naked turned to a stag and his hunting dogs killed him Delian Hymn from Delos Pythian Hymns where apollo s priestesses told the future Delphian Pythian Loxias oblique or slanted in regards to his prophecies purification of blood guilt killing get rid of blood feud Apollo s traits epithets Attributes tripod dolphins aren t these associated with Aphrodite 9 16 13 Epithet attribute word or phrase used to identify a god physical object used in art to represent the god what should i be getting out of the readings connecting the stories Aphrodite Eros Hephaistos Ares Aphrodite Venus one of the most powerful gods Aphrodite is married to Hephaistos Ares is her lover Eros is her son sphere is sexual desire physical desire rather than emotional love also vulnerable herself while in love fickle changeable make you fall out of love just as easily not confined by the rules of human morality many affairs only goddess who is married and has affairs New Genres this week epic Iliad Odyssey oldest works of greek lit to survive influenced later portrayals lyric poetry sappho often focuses on sexual love from lesbos word lesbian from this Iliad Aphrodite in the Iliad unwarlike goddess on Trojan side set up Helen and Paris Helen already married Diomedes Aeneas warrior on Greek side son of Aphrodite trojan Athena the warlike goddess greek side tells Diomedes to attack Aphrodite After Aphrodite is wounded asks Ares to borrow chariot to go up to olympus Dione mother of Aphrodite comforts Aphrodite who is wounded Zeus father of Aphrodite in this version Aphrodite in the Odyssey the unfaithful wife of Hesphasitos with Ares God of the forge catches them using nets in the bed Sappho of Lesbos 7th Century BCE Aphrodite is powerful gives comfort to Sappho Aphrodites Epithets Cyprian Kypris of Cyprus Cythera of Cythera Uranian learn why later Laughter Loving goddess Philomedes pun on genitals Aphrodites portrayal early on clothed later w out clothes attribute often with cupid in the paintings cupid is baby or adolescent Epthets of Apollo Delphian Pythian Loxias Far Shooter Paean indirect answers to questions oracle healing and plague eg epilepsy is curse of apollo Priests of Apollo could purify blood guilt Artemis Apollo killed young men women who died before their time Attributes of Apollo Tripod Dolphins used to boil meat sounds like Delphi Asclepius Lyre bow and arrow god healing son of apollo Attribute 9 18 13 Athena Poseidon staff with a single serpent not caduceus rivals for sponsor of athens protectress enemy of odysseus Athena s spheres patron of warriors sort of Ares rival here

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