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PSYCHOLOGY 4555 EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE STI S ADOLESCENTS In one study of 838 girls between 14 19 years 24 of the girl had an STI Among girls who were sexually experiences 37 7 had an STI Early sexual initiation is highly related to eventually getting an STI 10 before age 14 steady drop as age of first intercourse is older Some behaviors that contribute to early adolescents susceptibility to STI s More sex partners Have sex more frequently Inconsistent condom use o In one study only 15 of sexually active adolescents in the 9th grade or lower that they used a condom the last time they had sex Contracting an STI is related to adolescent risky behavior Adolescents who get an STI o More likely to Drink alcohol Smoke marijuana Smoke cigarettes o Generally more reckless Risky sexual behavior that leads to an STI is part of an unconventional teenage lifestyle PSYCHOLOGY 4555 EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE o Deviant o Norm breaking o Many risky behaviors Capaldi 2002 o Developmental Pathway to STI Oppositional Resistant Poor parental monitoring in adolescence Deviant peer association Antisocial behavior and substance use Sexual risk behavior STI Adolescents at a very high risk for STI Youth in juvenile justice system Youth living in areas with high prevalence of STI s Youth living in areas with high rates of IV drug use Youth who exchange sex for drugs Homeless and runaway youth STI s Do parents matter Ford 2005 o Looked at parent attitudes about adolescent sexual o Studied the parent adolescent relationship in early behavior and STI s adolescence o Examined adolescents 6 year later for presence of an STI o Results 6 2 of late adolescents had an STI at Time 2 Perceptions of parental disapproval of sex was related to a lower probability of getting an STI for girls but not for boys Why only girls PSYCHOLOGY 4555 EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE More conventional More obedient Greater desire to please parents Boys in general are less connected to parents Boys have more freedom Parent disapproval of sex Adolescents are less likely to be sexually active Fewer partners Lower frequency Consistent condom use Risky sex among high school students 50 of high school students have had sexual intercourse 42 did not use a condom during their last sexual intercourse 8 had intercourse before age 13 16 had 4 or more lifetime sexual partners 25 had used alcohol or drugs at last intercourse Trends in high school student sexual behavior and condom use 1991 2011 Ever had intercourse o 55 48 decrease Used a condom at last intercourse o 45 60 increase PSYCHOLOGY 4555 EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE Does drinking alcohol increase the risk of acquiring an STI among adolescents It appears that STIs are associated with o Heavy drinking 20 drinks per week for at least a o Binge drinking 5 drinks in one sitting each week for year at least a year Why o Risky sexual behavior o Selection of high risk partners o Decrease immunity o Some third variable Risk taking Some common STIs Bacterial curable o Chlamydia o Gonorrhea o Syphilis Viral incurable o HIV AIDS o Herpes o Human Papillomavirus HPV Three STIs important to adolescents Chlamydia one of the most common PSYCHOLOGY 4555 EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE Herpes the most irritating HIV AIDS most deadly Chlamydia One of the most common STIs in the U S Complications o In women Pelvic inflammatory disease Infection of uterus and fallopian tubes Infertility o In men Complications are rare Why are females more vulnerable o Young females have an immature cervix that is susceptible to infection o Chlamydia id asymptomatic initially so infection spreads Male and Female Chlamydia cases 2010 o Males most vulnerable 15 24 20 24 o Females most vulnerable 15 24 Huge number more Chlamydia rates by sex 1991 2011 PSYCHOLOGY 4555 EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE o Tread increase in number of cases o Women more than double men Herpes HSV 1 Oral herpes o Typically transmitted during childhood HSV 2 Genital herpes o Recurrent and painful genital and anal sores o Possible infection of newborn Herpes infections o Most HSV 1 infections occur in childhood o Most HSV 2 infections occur in adolescence and early Percent of teenager with herpes simplex virus type 1 and adulthood type 2 2006 o Males o Females HSV 1 50 HSV 2 12 HSV 1 50 HSV 2 15 Visits to physicians offices for genital herpes 1966 2010 o Steady increase in visits Roberts 2004 PSYCHOLOGY 4555 EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE o Why One reason for the increase of genital herpes Determined the source of genital herpes in a sample of college students Results Between 1993 2001 the present of HSV 2 due to HSV 1 increase from about 30 to about 80 Oral sex has become an important mode of new genital herpes infections TEEN ABORTION Are adolescents who have an abortion at risk for medical complications All types of abortion complications fever infections transfusion and surgery are less likely for teens than for adults Maternal mortality rates for abortion o 1 3 per 100 000 teenagers 00013 o 2 9 per 100 000 adults 00029 One exception o Young teens have a higher rate of injury to the cervix as a result of an abortion than women over the age of 18 o 5 5 injuries per 1 000 teens 17 or younger 55 o 1 5 injuries per 1 000 women 18 and older 15 Conclusions o Abortions to teenager are generally safer than abortions to adults o Abortion complications are more highly related to gestational age of the fetus than to the age of the mother except when the mother is very young PSYCHOLOGY 4555 EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE Are adolescents who have an abortion at risk for psychological difficulties Quinton 2001 adults o Compared the post abortion adjustment of minors and o Adjustment was assessed at 1 months and 2 years post abortion o Results At 1 month Minors were less satisfied with their decision to have an abortion than were adults Minors perceived more personal harm than benefit from having an abortion Adults perceived more personal benefit than harm from having an abortion At 2 years Minors and adults had similar generally positive reactions to their decision to abort o Teenage abortion and parent social support Teens who decided to have an abortion and received support from their parents had better post abortion adjustment than teens who did not receive parent support o Conclusions There is some evidence that teenagers especially the very young have an impaired ability to make good decisions about difficult issues such as abortion There is no evidence that teenager are at high risk to surer physical or psychological harm from an abortion

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