ADV PROMO MNGMT FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE CHAPTER 1 Advertising Classifications pg 20 Consumer o National advertising brand identity ex Neutrogena build store traffic tan spa o Retail Local o Primary Selective Demand done by national manufacturers Goals are to inform remind consumers of the brand brand behold the power of cheese selling whole product ex milk cheese cotton selective Sam s club sells to business before public smith dairy in country Organization o Business to business o Professional o Trade Sales Promotion provide extra value or incentives to the sales force retailers ultimate consumer doctor lawyer stock product sell it a marketing activity that provides an extra value or incentive to BUY NOW Marketing activities that Promotions o Consumer couponing sampling premiums rebates contests sweepstakes and POP Consumer vs trade oriented materials Encourages immediate purchases o Trade Wholesalers distributors retailers provides extra incentive to buy now way of appealing to prices sensitive customer way of generating extra interest in product or ads can measure effectiveness way of building or reinforcing brand equity They work do promotion sales will increase promotional merchandising allowance price deals sales contests trade shows o Advantages Oriented CHAPTER 2 Marketing Planning Program Product Decisions Branding Branding Goals Build and maintain brand awareness and interest Develop enhance attitudes toward the company product or service Build foster relationships between the consumer and the brand Want customers to be loyal to brand Brand Identity Brand Equity Name logo symbols design packaging and image associations held by consumers Intangible asset of added value or goodwill that results from favorable image of co name brand name or trademark o Means nothing google Kleenex qtips jello koolaid o Makes a good brand easy to pronounce conveys attributes of product translates into other languages distinctive Branding and Packaging Decisions CHATPER 3 Branding Packaging brand name communicates attributes meaning advertising creates maintains brand equity has become increasingly important often the customers first exposure to product Types of Adv Agencies and their services Full Service Agencies performing research creating advertising selecting media producing advertising full range of marketing communication and promotion services planning advertising o Nonadvertising Services package design direct marketing public relations and publicity strategic market planning interactive capabilities sales promotions the link between agency and client Managed by the account executive research department may include account planners media department obtains media Departments of a full service agency Account services Marketing Service space and time Creative Services Mgmt Finance Creative Boutiques creation execution of ads Copywriter artists other specialists accounting finance human resources new business generation provide only creative services may subcontract from full service agencies strnth is turning out creative work quickly Media Specialist Companies media strategy media buying organizations implement strategies and buy time and space specializes in buying media especially broadcast time agencies and clients develop CHAPTER 4 Learning theories and marketing applications The consumer learning process o Learning is the process by which consumers acquire consumption related knowledge and experiences that they apply to future behavior o Two basic approaches to learning are behavioral approach and learning theory Behavioral Learning Theory importance of internal Two major theories are classical conditioning and operant conditioning aka instrumental conditioning emphasizes role of external stimuli in causing behavior while minimizing the Classical Conditioning Process association people learn through association pavlovs dog Classical Conditioning assumes that learning is an associative process The relationship between and unconditioned stimulus conditioned stimulus develops through repetition contiguity Ex pavlovs dog o Application to marketing Ads pair product with images perceptions that have known favorable responses from target audiences Taco bell bell snuggle cute bear Michelin tires Michelin man etrade babies Instrumental Conditioning Process operant Operant Conditioning particular response assumes consumer acts learning occurs as a result of the outcomes or consequences associated with a o Reinforcement associated with a behavior reward or favorable consequences o Marketing application Ads emphasize the benefits a consumer will receive from using a product or encourage product use to avoid bad consequences Different Schedules of reinforcement result in varying patterns of learning and behavior o 1 continuous vs intermittent o 2 shaping the reinforcement of successive acts that lead to a desired behavior pattern or response o 3 Fine balance between too many and too few incentives Continuous learn more not really loyal loyal to coupon Cognitive Learning Theory solving Relates to 5 step CHAPTER 5 Traditional response hierarchy models goal purposive behavior insight goal achievement Rational problem The Response Process promotional efforts of the marketer might influence this process o What is the goal of the message Get attention deliver information or purchase Goal before you design the we must understand the response process the receiver goes throught and how the message Hierarchy of effects model Attention Interest Desire Action AIDA Model describes what would happen in a personal selling situation AIDA describes personal selling over period of time advertising Innovation of adoption model how consumers respond to new product Information processing model solver describes problem describes Evaluating traditional hierarchy response models o Assumes logical progression that may be accurate in o The response sequences may not always operate this many situations way Message Appeal Choices should message use rational or emotional appeal Rational appeal to the logical rational minds or consumers Emotional Appeal appeal to the feelings and emotions of consumers Rational and emotional appeal to both CHAPTER 6 3 Message Appeal Options o Fear Appeal o Comparative Ads especially useful for new brands often used for brand with small market share used often in political advertising may stress physical danger or threats to health may identify social threats can backfire if level of
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