ADV PROMO EXAM 3 REVIEW CHAPTER 11 Television Advantages creativity and impact coverage and cost effectiveness captivity and attention selectivity and flexibility Television Limitations Limited attention zapping worst zappers are young males clutter shorter ads Network affiliated stations that are linked Spot Local commercials shown on local stations Syndicated Programs Off network syndication are reruns was on network reruns aren t First Run syndications are also featured ex Regis Kelly Baywatch Sponsorship advertiser assumes responsibility for the production and perhaps content Sponsor has control and can capitalized on a shows prestige Ex Hallmark Hall of Fame movie and during movie is a hallmark commercial Participation participating sponsors share the cost May occur regularly or sporadically Advertiser doesn t do production Participants lack control over content 90 of network advertising is sold as participation Spot Announcements may be purchased by daypart or adjacency between breaks Purchased from local stations Timespots adjacent to program not within Measuring the TV Audience audience size determines amount that can be charged for advertising Total audience program rating share of audience households using TV Share of Audience Program Rating Program Rating the percentage of TV households in an area that are tuned to a specific program during a specific time period Ratings Point figure that represents 1 of the TV households in a particular market tuned to a specific program Share of Audience the percentage of HH s watching TV in a specified time period that are tuned to a specific program People Meter electronic measuring device that records what is being watched and by whom 10 000 Nielsen households Advantages of Radio cost and efficiency low cost know who its reaching receptivity more receptive to radio adv Selectivity can be geographically Flexibility short closing period Mental Imagery visualize so much more than broadcast TV image transfer Limitations of Radio creative limitations nonvisual image audience fragmentation large of stations chaotic buying complicated to buy lots of choices limited research data limited listener attention always doing something else Digital Media Competition satellite radio Pandora spotify clutter reduce ads listener Buying Radio Time Network Radio three national networks over 100 regional area networks a multitude of syndicated programs Spot Radio be difficult Local Radio advertisers are the heaviest uses of radio local advertisers are buying spots nearly 80 of advertisers are local local CATV is becoming competitive Local about 20 of all spots allows great flexibility and targeting purchase transaction can CHAPTER 12 bleed pages creative space gatefolds inserts cover positions popups Classifications of Magazines consumer farm business Advantages of Magazines Selectivity most selective besides direct mail Reproduction quality creative flexibility permanence prestige receptivity engagement services Gatefolds when inside page folds out to 3 or more pages Creativity Flexibility Special Services Offered by Magazines retailer alerts consumer research studies split runs personalized messages to tightly targeted audiences Split Runs Readers Digest has the 3rd highest circulation of readers 7 of HH elderly Guaranteed Circulation advertising rates are based on this number Publishers provide rebates to advertisers if actual circulation is below this figure Types of Newspapers National Special audience Supplements advertising 2 or more versions of an ad are printed in alternate copies of a particular issue like parade magazine comes in the Sunday paper glossy had articles daily weekly USA today WSJ stars stripes college newspaper Types of Newspaper Advertising Display Ads local mostly retail national or general Newspaper advertising can be anywhere except editorial page Most advertising is display ads accounts for about 70 of revenue for average newspapers Classified Ads areas of interests political ads circulars catalogs brochures Target ad free standing insert small items arranged by topic rates base on size and duration Sold place by legal notices public reports notices by people and or organizations Special Ads and Inserts extensive penetration flexibility geographic selectivity involvement acceptance Newspaper Advantages services offered Newspaper Disadvantages low production quality short lifespan 1day lack of selectivity demographic clutter limited use of color Run of paper Rate Structures and Terminology ROP put it anywhere they want to on the newspaper cheaper Combination Rates discount if run ads in 2 or more papers Open Rates possible discount Run of Paper Flat Rates no discount Preferred Position CHAPTER 13 Role of Support Media to reach those people in the target audience that primary media TB print etc may not have effectively reached and to reinforce or support their messages Support Media are also referred to as Alternative media nonmeasured media nontraditional media Outdoor Advertising industry continuing to grow b c of innovation through technology Transit Advertising ads on bus taxi subways etc Inside cards outside posters station platform and terminal posters Interior Transit advertising in bus Exterior Transit advertising outside on bus Pros of Outdoor Advertising wide local coverage high frequency geographically flexibility creativity and creation of awareness efficiency sales effectiveness production capability and timeliness Cons of Outdoor Advertising waste coverage limited message ability wear out high cost measurement problems image problems Promotional Products the advertising or promotional medium or method that uses promotional products such as ad specialties premiums business gifts awards prizes or commemoratives Free items to audience Pros of Promotional Products Selectivity flexibility frequency cost goodwill high recall augmentation Cons of Promotional Products Poor image saturation lead time Pros of Yellow Pages wide availability action oriented low cost frequency non intrusiveness trust Cons of Yellow Pages market fragmentation timeliness lack of creativity lead times clutter size requirements Branded Entertainment a form of advertising that blends marketing and entertainment through TV film music talent and technology Product Placement gets attention Pros of Branded Entertainment high exposure high frequency media support source association biggest advantage of branded entertainment low cost high recall
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