PS101 Final Exam Study Guide Models of Abnormality For a behavior to be a mental illness the condition must significantly hinder 1 or more Work School Love relationships Play recreation Insane is a legal term NOT a psychological term 1 Demonology Supernatural Model Abnormal behavior is caused by supernatural forces ex devils spells Treatment usually person is killed or some form of an exorcism fight the spirit through God Model was high when scientific knowledge was low Most western civilization does not believe this anymore 2 Medical Model Mental illness is caused by germs genes or biochemistry neurotransmitters Plays important role in abnormality Has given us medication Focuses on neurotransmitters today easiest to make new prescription drugs focuses on pharmaceutical intervention Biggest growth success depression bipolar schizophrenia Assumptions of the medical model Nature of people our behavior is primarily caused by germs disease genes biochemistry not by our environment 70 nature inborn and 30 nature learned Overt symptoms indicate inner pathology makes it easy to ignore environment Individual with the symptom gets the treatment Treatment usually includes drugs promise quick easy cure If all else fails operate lobotomy cuts out part of frontal lobe 1930 s 1950 s ECT electroconvulsive therapy shock treatment ECT shows some success with severe depression because its thought to realign neurotransmitters 3 Statistical Deviance Social Political Model Statistical abnormality rare or infrequent Deviant behavior not following the norm A label is official labeling someone is a social political action 2 steps to being officially labeled Behavior must differ from the norm Label must be given by someone in official power 4 DSM 5 2013 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Psychiatric bible written by American Psychiatric Association All agreed upon mental disorders and definitions DSM 1 came out in 1952 most are revised every 10 years Mental disorder as defined by DSM a syndrome collection of symptoms characterized by a clinically significant disturbance in a persons thinking emotions or behavior this reflects a dysfunction in the psychological biological or developmental processes of the individual mental disorders are associated with significant distress anxiety guilt worry etc or significant impairment in social occupational or other important activities work love play Expected responses to common stress or loss death etc is not a mental disorder Social deviance political religious sexual is not a mental disorder Only time these would be considered disorders is if they result in impairment in work love or play 5 Behavior Social Learning Model Comes from learning theory Behaviorists Pavlov Watson Skinner Behavior is learned from your environment normal and abnormal by the same processes Doesn t talk about what people are thinking just behavior behavioral Social learning will deal with cognition thinking and social context of learning Depression Learned helplessness developed in 1970 s by M Seligman learning from environment that you have no control over the situation you are feeling helpless and hopeless can be viewed as generalized extinction A big part of depression is cognitive the thoughts that we have keep us depressed If you can be conditioned to think about future positively than you wont feel helpless Cognitive behavior modification if you change your thoughts and beliefs than your behavior will change Shaping starting small then add more behavior Conflicts Approach Approach you must choose from 2 or more options that will all give you positive reinforcement ex deciding between icecream flavors Avoid Avoid you must pick from 2 or more options that all will give you punishment ex choosing between 2 bad classes Approach Avoid Ambivalence 1 stimulus that gives both positive reinforcement and punishment when percentage of punishment and positive reinforcement is roughly equal you are not clear about how you feel hard time making decision Social learning factors that contribute to the development of abnormal behavior Self fulfilling prophecy focuses on labels and expectations Our perceptions are effected by our expectations what we expect to see we will see Because of A our behavior changes which changes the behavior of others Rosehan late 1960 On being sane in insane places showed the blinding effects of labels subjects were to refer themselves to psychiatric hospitals even though they had no psychiatric problems had to tell hospital they were hearing voices empty thud every hospital 12 admitted subjects for inpatient observation and subjects eventually received label of schizophrenia subjects were to act how they normally would and tell the truth about life except the voices the stay was 7 52 days avg 19 only other real patients realized that the subjects were normal but staff did not self fulfilling prophecy Zimbardo prison study roles and labels assigned prisoners and guards 6 Psychoanalytic Model Freud psychodynamic All theories of Freud are believed and followed 7 Humanistic Model 1960 s 3rd Force reaction against psychoanalytic and behavioral model Thought we should treat people like humans not rats that were experimented with so broke off and made own theory Believe that people are good and unique individuals curious and want to succeed kind full of feelings spontaneous creative strengths and weaknesses Everyone is born like this Mental disorders come from ignoring punishing or not accepting the unique nature of each individual Living a life that is not true to who you really are Carl Rogers Client Centered Therapy Non directive therapist doesn t act as teacher comes from client Client is a partner not a patient therapist and client work together You already know the right answers for your life therapist gives you courage to make your own decision doesn t give you advice Unconditional positive regard accept all the feelings of the client unconditionally and without judgment Active listening human responses not detached empathy Reflective statements you must feel helpless etc keep client talking Abe Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Bottom level needs most basic survival needs water food Only once lower needs are met you can move up Higher level needs love jobs Peak of pyramid is self actualization ultimate goal of all humanists Self actualized living their own life self acceptance you inner beauty shows Fritz Perls Gestalt whole Group therapy said humans were
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