Exam 2 Thursday 3 6 in class The exam will consist of 25 multiple choice questions 2 pts each 50 pts 15 points short answer 10 points short essays Total 75 points Pay close attention to recommendations regarding research methodology or the pros and cons of various approaches discussed in class This is what you need to know for the exam 2 18 14 2 18 14 Understand nonprobability sampling methods and how they are different from random sampling Use this when random sampling it not possible See below point for more information Be able to define and provide examples of the following Availability convenience sampling Take who you can get Exploratory or qualitative research o I e experiments in intro to psych classes the experiments that they use psych students for Quota sampling Making sure that the sample represents certain aspects of the population but can t know all the characteristics and not random Represents characteristics in proportion to their prevalence in the population o I e Dads and of stay at home dads o Oversampling for different groups i e boys in HDFS taken nonrandomly to make sure to represent HDFS boys Purposive sampling Studying a subset of limited group key informant o I e people who know a topic jobs for grads Provide examples of hidden populations Sensitive nature of behaviors o Drug users homeless sex workers Define and provide examples of techniques for sampling hidden populations Targeted sampling street outreach Using outreach techniques to attract a sample of people in hidden population o i e homeless people Time space sampling Figuring out when and where hidden population members gather and randomly sample the places and or times o Trying to be more systematic o I e Drug dealers work from 11pm 2am and 4am 6am randomly sample those times Snowball sampling Participants referred to as seeds identify other participants This is very useful in hard to reach and hard to identify yet connected populations However this can magnify bias and the socially isolated people are underrepresented o I e drug dealers know each other but they might all sell the same drugs bias and they don t know the more socially isolated ones Respondent driven sampling Each seed gets a certain number of coupons to give to other members of the population and it keeps going until desired sample size is reached o I e 5 coupons per person Know how the New Parents Project NPP sampled o Childbirth edu Classes newspaper ads movie ads Convenience Quota County o Oversampled minority expecting parents o Tried to get at least 25 cohabitating tried to get sample to represent Franklin Describe benefits of observational methods Get more objective information Can tell us of the effects of a particular context on a behavior Provide a detailed analysis of behavior or interpersonal processes o I e Partner one did this partner two did this Describe drawbacks of observational methods including observer influence and observer bias Time consuming and expensive o Data collection o Coder training Inconsistency across researchers and or labs Sampling issues o Bias and size Not many people agree to be observed because it oculd be intrusive Observer influence People who do agree can have similarities o Presence of observer can change behavior o Most observations are no longer live but video is often tuned down behaviors Observer bias o Observers see what they want to see Describe benefits and drawbacks of field vs lab observations Field Observations o Naturalistic o Benefit Behavior in natural setting so more generalizable o Drawback May not see behaviors you are looking for Maybe fight only in car or not that week Lab Observations o Structured observation o Benefit Can set up situation to elicit behavior Sometimes easier o Drawback Behavior may not be natural or typical
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