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Test Review 50 questions some multiple choice 3 or 4 true or false grey scantron Chapter 1 Know what Economic Geography is definition Economic geography is the study of the location distribution and spatial organization of economic activities across the world Know 5 analytical themes of Economic Geography Study of pace is inserperable from the study of time Accumulation of decisions in the past Every place is part of a system of places No place exists in isolation Human action always occurs in a biophysical environment nature includes climate topgraphy soils Culture the shape of consciousness is fundamental to EcGeog socialization of people and reproduction of society and place Social relations are a necessary starting point to understanding societies and studied through lens of political economy focus on role of uneven distr Know 4 theoretical approaches to economic geography geogrpahies Location Theory Behavior Economy Post structuralist Know how capitalism came about from feudalism LDCs less developed countries third world MDCs more developed countries Know what TNCs are and what they do what FDI is Know the disparity between rich and poor is growing Chapter 2 Know what feudalism was What caused feudalism to collapse and allowed capitalism to take its place Where capitalism began Characteristics of capitalism are based on market Don t need to know about the printing press Know about the Industrial Revolution and where it began Kondratiev Cycle what the waves mean don t need to know years Consequences of Industrial Revolution Dont need to know the effects of colonialism Chapter 3 More than 7 billion people in the world Dont need to know definition of Crude birth rate etc but know concepts Know Demographic Transition Model 4 stages Know population pyramids Know what a broad base and narrow top means vice versa how an economically developed country looks Know what Malthusians say know what Neo Malthusians were Club of Rome and what they said about MAlthus Know push and pull factors Malthus Chapter 4 Know what resources reserves and projected reserves mean Know nonrenewable and renewable resources Tragedy of the Commons Know the environmental impact of fracking Know the types of renewable energy Know the definition of sustainable development Earth as if it were a business in liquidation Chapter 5 4 Factors of location Labor Land Capital Managerial and Technical Skills Labor is most important know 2 types of capital fixed Industrial Location Theory Weber What is his whole theory based on Why is Weber not as more applicable today Know scale and technique What is division of labor scale consideration Horizontal vs Vertical integration Agglomeration Economies example we talked about in class Why does Location Theory not always play out Evaluation of Industrial Location Theory 6 points Chapter 6 What is agriculture Consequences of large scale agriculture What is Green Revolution What has it made us dependent on Know what GMOs are Commercial Agriculture and Agribusiness Know Von Thunen know what results were of Von Thunen exercise Don t need formula Chapter 7 Know Economic Sectors Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary Know what deindustrialization led to what caused decline in manufacturing deindustrialization Know Fordism post fordism Know Future of Manufacturing robot 3D printing Some ideas that we talked about with 3D printing There is a T F about poststructuralism

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TAMU GEOG 304 - Test Review

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