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Sociology 2310 Review for Exam 1 Theory Worksheet BIOLOGICAL THEORIES All physical type theories are based on the premise the STRUCTURE determines FUNCTION INFERIOR The criminal is viewed as different or defective and therefore biologically CESARE LOMBROSO is the author of the The Born Criminal and his general theory of crime was one of DEGENERACY Lombroso thought the criminal was a throwback to an earlier evolutionary form or APE LIKE in nature Lombroso thought the cause of the stigma of the criminal as well as criminal behavior was The stigmata did not cause the criminal behavior Goring sought to DISPROVE Lombroso s findings Goring found that criminals were 1 2 INCHES shorter and 3 7 POUNDS lighter than non criminals Goring concluded that crime was INHERITED Hooten conducted a large study that REFUTED Gorings work and SUPPORTED Lombroso s work Define tautological reasoning OXY MORONS A BEGINNER WHO IS JUST STARTING Identify Sheldon s 3 body types and describe the personality characteristics he associated with each 1 ECTOMORPHS a LEAN AND SLENDER b FRAGILE QUIET SENSITIVE 2 MESOMORPHS a MUSCLE MASS AND WARM b ACTIVE ASSERTIVE AGGRESSIVE 3 ENDOMORPH a TENDENCY TO BE OVERWEIGHT b EASY GOING AND TOLERANT Sheldon and the Gluecks believed that most juvenile delinquents were MESOMORPHS According to Hutchings and Mednick s adoption study which was the more predictive variable of criminality in the son the adoptive father s criminality or the biological father s criminality o BIOLOGICAL FATHER SOCIAL STRUCTURE THEORIES SHAW McKAY SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION THEORY Basic Assumptions Social stratification Definition of social strata Theory of Relative Deprivation Model of City Growth UNEQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE POWER WEALTH AND PRESTIGE 5 Zones Zone 1 BUSINESS LOOP Zone 2 ZONE IN TRANSITION Zone 3 ZONE OF WORKINGMEN S HOMES Zone 4 RESIDENTIAL ZONE Zone 5 COMMUTER ZONE The zone that is most vulnerable to crime is ZONE 2 ZONE IN TRANSITION The most predictive variable of criminal behavior according to Shaw and McKay was SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION Shaw and McKay s research provided an important departure from the CITY GROWTH model which was popular at the time 1920s to a study of criminal behavior from the perspective This is perhaps their most significant contribution to the study of criminal behavior MERTON Applied the general theory of Anomie borrowed from to the particular problem of crime in American society Merton s theory of Anomie stresses the idea that American society emphasizes without providing Merton defined Anomie as WHEN THERE IS AN OVEREMPHASIS ON THE IMPORTANCE OF CULTURAL GOALS TO THE EXCLUSION OF THE NORMS AND WHEN THE INSITITUTIONALIZED MEANS ARE NOT ASSESSIBLE AND AVAILABLE TO ALL IN SOCIETY THEN MANY PEOPLE CAN BE EXPECTED TO TURN TO UNAPPROVED AND UNACCEPTABLE MEANS OF ATTAINING THESE GOALS Merton identified 5 modes of adaptation to Anomie These are ORIENTED TOWARDS GOALS AND USING INSTITUTIONALIZED MEANS 1 CONFORMITY COLLEGE 2 INNOVATION 3 RITUALISM MEANS 4 RETREATIST STONERS 5 REBELLION ORIENTED TOWARD GOALS BUT NOT USING INTITUTIONALIZED MEANS DRUG DEALERS BANK ROBBERS NOT ORIENTED TOWARD GOALS BUT UTILIZED INTITUTIONALIZED LOW PAID BUREAUCRAT WHO DOES EVERYTHING BY THE BOOK NO MATTER WHAT ORIENTED NEITHER TOWARDS GOALS NOR INTITUTIONALIZED MEANS GOALS AND MEANS REALLY DON T APPLY MOONIES SYMBIONESE LIBERATION ARMY Be able to describe and define the above modes of adaptation with respect to whether the person in question is attempting to achieve the cultural goal of monetary success as well as whether the person is utilizing the institutional mean of achieving this goal Be able to provide examples for each mode of adaptation These categories do not describe personality types rather they define methods by which we all adapt to the cultural strain of Anomie Be able to explain this COHEN Cohen differed from Merton in that he thought delinquents were striving for ACHIEVING STATUS instead of ATTAINING MONETARY SUCCESS Cohen found that most juvenile delinquency was COLLECTIVE IN NATURE and characterized by malicious negativistic and non utilitarian behavior Examples of non utilitarian juvenile delinquency behavior include Cohen felt that juvenile gangs have a SEPARATE CULTURE from the dominant middle class culture with a different set of values for MEASURING STATUS Cohen utilized the categories of status developed by Everett Hughes These are 1 Defintion 2 Definition CLOWARD OHLIN Sought to synthesize or combine the work of COHEN and MERTON Felt that striving for monetary success and status were not mutually exclusive and that in fact they could be SIMULTANEOUS strivings Identified 4 categories of lower class youth depending upon whether they were striving for status and or monetary success Idenitfy these categories in terms of these 2 variables 1 2 3 4 Which of the above categories did Cloward Ohlin believed most juvenile delinquents came from TYPE 3 Cloward Ohlin identified 3 subcultures within the Type 3 category These are 1 CRIMINAL 2 CONFLICT VIOLENT 3 RETREATISM Which of the above 3 categories do all Type 3 kids desire to join CRIMINAL Why can t all Type 3 kids join their desired category NOT ALL KIDS ARE WELCOMED INTO GANGS What happens to Type 3 kids who are rejected from their desired category Which of the 3 subcultures produces the delinquents who engage in Cohen s malicious negativistic and non utilitarian behavior CONFLICT VIOLENT SOCIAL PROCESS THEORIES While social structure theories are on the level of analysis social process theories focus on the level of analysis Social process theories do not emphasize social stratification as the determinant of crime rather they focus on the influence of FAMILY RELATIONS on the criminal According to social process theories crime is a function of The three sources of influence upon the individual are relations from 1 FAMILY 2 PEERS 3 With respect to the educational relations kids who do poorly in school are most likely to engage in CRIMINAL ACTS There are 3 categories of theories that comprise the Social Process Approach These are 1 SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY 2 SOCIAL CONTROL THEORY 3 SOCIAL REACTION LABELING THEORY SUTHERLAND DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION THEORY The nine propositions of Differential Association theory are 1 2 CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS LEARNED CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS LEARNED IN INTERACTION WITH OTHERS IN A PROCESS OF COMMUNICATION 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 THE PRINCIPLE OF THE LEARNING OF CRIMINAL BEHAIOR OCCURS WITHIN INTIMATE PERSONAL

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OSU SOCIOL 2310 - Exam 1

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