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Review for TEST 1 HIGH INCIDENCE LECTURE 1 6 categories that make up SPE population 1 Learning disability 2 Mental Retardation 3 Speech Language 4 Emotional Behavior Disorder 5 Other Health Impaired 6 Autism LOW INCIDENCE 1 Multiple Handicaps 2 Ortho Handicapped 3 Hearing Impaired 4 Traumatic Brain Injury 5 Visually impaired 6 Deaf Blind 7 Gifted Talented Reason for special education Preventable causes 1 Poverty not dealt with properly 2 At risk behavior uses survival skills 3 Neglect Abuse not intended common for both set parents to work left alone 4 Discrimination Intolerance 5 Politics struck in rut cant find common ground 5 Senses 1 Sight human eye is an exceptional tool for gathering light 2 Hear 3 Touch 4 Taste 5 Smell 3 Things you need to know about sight 1 20 20 vision 20 feet away 20 100 vision 4 feet away 2 Color blindness is 10 times more common in men 3 All male female babies are born colorblind at birth Major Area s of Human Development 1 Motor Gross Motor Fine Motor 2 Perceptual 3 Conceptual 4 Communications 5 Social emotional self help 6 Basic Constructs of SPE 1 Mastery oriented approach to developmentally appropriate instruction 2 Assessment plays pivotal role in special ed Instruction 3 Special educators collaborate to ensure qualify programs for students 4 Special Ed instruction promotes positive independency rather then co dependency dependency 5 High quality special ed teachers the whole child rather fixing problems in children 6 Special Ed must be protective rather then reactive Hallmarks of DI 1 Students are held to high expectations 2 Teachers use time flexibility 3 Teachers use a range of instructional strategies 4 Teachers become partners w their students to see what is learned and the learning environment is shaped to that one student Benefits of Labeling a Increase visibility of people with special needs b Assist professionals in providing appropriate services c Provides effective communication across service provider s agencies State Federal d Relates specific exceptional category to specific learning environment e Determine funding needs f Help SPE interest groups to lobby promote impact legislative actions Disadvantages of Labeling 1 May be used to keep children out general education classroom 2 Seldom reflects individual needs 3 Focuses on negative aspect of the child 4 May lead to peer group rejection 5 Label may be inaccurate 5 Levels of Human Needs Level of needs met 1 Physiological 2 Safety 3 Belonging Love 4 Self esteem 5 Self Actualization Types of Collaboration 1 Teaching Assistance Teams designed to help classroom teacher s indentify plan interventions for academic behavioral problems which are interfering with students success 2 Collaborative Consolation as interactive process which allows teachers to share expertise in solving a defined problem 3 Co teaching 2 more individuals teaching one on one ongoing basis for least part most school day LECTURE 2 Disability Defined under Sec 504 1 Has physical mental disability which substantially limits one or more major life activates 2 Record of such a disability 3 Is regarded of having such disability 4 Foundations for 94 142 1 Law is intended to ensure that all free and appropriate education FAPE be made available to all individuals w disabilities 2 Assist states and local education agencies LEA in providing these educational opportunities 3 Assess the effectiveness of educational efforts 4 Provide individual w disabilities and their parents with assurance of DUE PROCCESS Difference between sec 504 IEP Section 504 a Doesn t require written plans most school create own forms b Parents have few rights c School doesn t have to invite parents to meet when having developed plan d Just have to notify parents when 504 plans is solidified e Fewer procedural safe guards to protect parent child f Protects child after he she leaves public school system IEP a Provides statement of measurable goals b Provide statement on how the disability affects a child involvement progress in general education classroom c Track progress for meeting those goals d Provides statement saying SPE provides services and supplemental aids e No later then 16 yr younger determined appropriate post secondary goals by IEP team that relate to training education employment and independent living skills f IEP doesn t allow protection of child after he she leaves public school system Role Clarification Para educator 1 Is a team member who works under the supervision of special education professional 2 Supervision is sometimes collaborated between special and general education teachers for an inclusive setting 3 The PE serves as part the instructional team 4 The PE helps carry out the educational programs developed through the Individualized Education Plan IEP or 504 Plan process LECTURE 3 6 steps in Referral to Placement 1 Screening pre referral 2 Referral 3 Evaluation Process 4 Eligibility 5 IEP Meeting 6 Placement Pre Referral Strategies 1 Communicate w parents 2 Review records 3 Try variety of teachings strategies 4 Communicate w past teachers 5 Involve BBSST if needed 6 Keep systematic records hard copies of student work progress 7 Check own pulse on a regular basis Evaluation Process 1 The EP must be administrated by qualified individuals 2 The Evaluation materials must not be discriminate in the way the materials are selected or administrated 3 More then one type assessment must be employed in the evaluation process Parent Consent to Placement 1 Parents must receive a copy of child parent rights 2 Parents must agree to placement in writing 3 In not mediation or DP hearing 4 Cost time are always a factor Individual Educational Plan IEP must contain 1 Statement regarding person current educational performance level 2 Statements that service aids accommodations were provided 3 Statements allowing participation in regular school programs 4 Accommodations needed to participate in appropriate assessment 5 Frequency locations of service modifications 6 Statements measurable post secondary goals based on age transitioning related to training employment independent living by 16 7 Info regarding transfer of rights 8 Tracks how progress is measured and how parents will be informed 504 Plan Describes students a Physical mental impairment b Educational limitations c Medical limitations d 1st of other limitations that will effect participation in school activities e List of required accommodations f Anticipated discipline problems that may

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UA SPE 300 - Review for TEST # 1

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