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Chapter 5 Continued Social Groups and Formal Organizations 2 26 14 Social Networks Social Network series of social relationships that link a person directly to others and indirectly links him or her to still more people Networking involvement in social network valuable skill when job hunting Can center on any activity Running for political offices is another example Men and women differ in using networks Men mainly use it for job hunting Women don t know how to use it as well and they usually use it to find things like doctors for their children Formal Organizations and Bureaucracies Formal Organization group designed for a special purpose and structured for maximum efficiency Weber said bureaucracies would eventually dominate in society He also said that our lives would be spent in bureaucracies extent of our freedom due to the large growth in them Hospitals universities and restaurants are all bureaucracies Characteristics of a Bureaucracy Ideal Type of Bureaucracy 1 Division of Labor 2 Hierarchy of Authority 3 Written Rules and Regulations 4 Impersonality 5 Employment Based on Technical Qualifications 6 Files and Records Dysfunctions of Bureaucracy Alienation condition of estrangement or dissociation from the surrounding society Trained Incapacity workers become so specialized that they develop blind spots and fail to notice obvious problems The Peter Principle every employee within a bureaucracy tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence Goal Displacement overzealous conformity to official regulations Basic Institutions Satisfy basic needs 5 Basic Social Institutions 1 Family to care for dependents and near children 2 Economy to produce and distribute goods 3 Government to produce community coordination and defense 4 Education to train new generations 5 Religion to supply answers about unknown and unknowable Social Structure in Global Perspective Society is the most important and largest component Modern Societies are complex different than traditional societies Durkheim s Mechanical and Organic Solidarity T nnies Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft Durkheim s Mechanical and Organic Solidarity Division of Labor 1893 1933 Mechanical Solidarity collective consciousness that emphasizes group solidarity implying all individuals perform the same tasks Organic Solidarity collective consciousness that hinges on the need society s members have for one another T nnies Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft Gemeinschaft guh MINE shoft small community in which people have similar backgrounds and life experiences Closer community where the group is more important than the individual Example Amish Gesellschaft guh ZELL shoft large community in which people are strangers and feel little in common with other community residents Chapter 7 Deviance and Social Control Social Control Social Control techniques and strategies employed for preventing deviant human behavior in any society prevents from breaking norms Parents Peer Groups Companies Government Informal and Formal Social Control Informal Social Control used casually to enforce norms Formal Social Control carried out by authorized agents Interplay between formal and informal social control can be complicated especially if informal social control encourages people to violate social norms

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