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ch03 Student 1 Organizational culture is best explained as organizational cid 10 cid 10 A Personality B Hierarchy C Reporting relationships D Background E Management style organization in all the following areas except cid 10 A Authority B Allocation of resources C Development of project team members D Integration of the project into the organization E All of these are provided cid 10 2 A good project management system provides for defining the interface between the project team and the 3 Organizations have difficulty in creating a system for managing projects because cid 10 cid 10 A Contrary to typical operations projects are one time efforts B Projects are multidisciplinary while organizations are usually departmentalized by discipline C Projects are not focused on profits D Both a and b are correct E A B and C are all correct 4 The structure that manages projects within the existing organizational structure is cid 10 organization cid 10 A Functional B Balanced matrix C Weak matrix D Strong matrix E Project 5 Bill is working on a project involving the upgrading of a management information system The project is being managed by the information systems department with coordination with other departments occurring through normal channels He is working in a organization cid 10 A Functional B Balanced matrix C Weak matrix D Strong matrix E Project cid 10 6 Which of the following is an advantage of a functional project management organization cid 10 7 Which of the following is a disadvantage of functional project management organization cid 10 A Maximum flexibility in the use of staff B Good integration across functional units C Shorter project duration D Strong motivation of project team members E All of these are advantages A Lack of motivation of project team members B Longer project duration C Lack of focus on the project D Both b and c are correct E A B and C are all correct cid 10 cid 10 8 Kim is reviewing a proposed project The scope of the project is narrow with a lot of in depth expertise required and it will take a short period of time to complete The best choice for organizing the project is organization cid 10 A Functional B Balanced matrix C Weak matrix D Strong matrix E Project cid 10 9 A project team that operates with a full time project manager as a separate unit from the rest of the organization is structured as a organization cid 10 A Functional B Balanced matrix C Weak matrix D Strong matrix E Projectized cid 10 A Strong matrix and balanced matrix organizations B Functional and dedicated project teams C Project and balanced matrix organizations D Project and strong matrix organizations E Strong matrix and functional organizations 10 Which of the following combinations represents the extremes of project organization cid 10 cid 10 11 MegaComputers Inc has assigned a project manager for each of the five new product teams The managers as well as the project team members work on the projects on a full time basis The structure being used is organization cid 10 A Functional B Balanced matrix C Weak matrix D Strong matrix E Project cid 10 12 Which of the following structures is referred to in popular literature as a projectized form of cid 10 organizations cid 10 A Functional organization B Balanced matrix organization C Weak matrix organization D Strong matrix organization E Projectized organization 13 Elizabeth is considering how to structure a project team that will not directly disrupt ongoing operations The project needs to be done quickly and a high level of motivation will be needed in order to do that For this situation the organization would be the best choice cid 10 A Functional B Balanced matrix C Weak matrix D Strong matrix E Project cid 10 14 Projectitis is most likely to occur in the organization structure cid 10 cid 10 A Functional B Balanced matrix C Weak matrix D Strong matrix E Project 15 Computers R Us is concerned about keeping project costs low and wants to be sure that all pools of expertise are used Additionally they want to minimize duplication of efforts across projects Their best choice for project management structure is the organization structure cid 10 A Functional B Balanced matrix C Weak matrix D Strong matrix E Project cid 10 16 organization is a hybrid form in which a horizontal project management structure is overlaid 17 A project management system provides a framework for launching and implementing project activities 18 In which of the following is the balance of authority strongly in favor of the functional managers cid 10 cid 10 19 The project manager has the responsibility to answer which of the following questions cid 10 cid 10 A What task has to be done B Who will do the task C How will the task be done D How well has the functional input been integrated E Why will the task be done 20 Matrix management violates the management principle of cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 in the normal functional hierarchy cid 10 A Functional B Matrix C Project D Balanced E A B and C are all correct cid 10 within a organization cid 10 A Matrix B Balanced C Weak D Sponsor E Parent A Weak matrix B Balanced matrix C Strong matrix D Strong E Both C and D are correct A Span of control B Unity of command C Parity principle D Empowerment E All of these management principles 21 All are negotiated issues except cid 10 cid 10 A Who will do the task B Where will the task be done C Why will the task be done D Is the task satisfactorily completed E The total cost of the project A Functional B Balanced matrix C Weak matrix D Strong matrix E Project 22 The project structure that is ranked as least effective is organization cid 10 cid 10 23 The project structure that is ranked as most effective for developing new products is 24 From the list below which is not a primary characteristic of organization culture cid 10 cid 10 25 Factors in identifying cultural characteristics include all the following except cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 organization cid 10 A Functional B Balanced matrix C Weak matrix D Strong matrix E Project A Control B Team emphasis C History D Conflict tolerance E Risk tolerance A Norms B Customs C Values D Both B and C are correct E A B and C are all correct A The functional manager B The project manager C Both are responsible D This is no pattern of who takes responsibility E None of these are true cid 10 cid 10 A The functional manager B The project manager C Both are responsible D This is no pattern of who takes responsibility E None of these are true A Project B

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