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Keywords for EXAM ONE Communication The process of creating and sharing meaning through these of symbols On going activity silence storming out of a room Symbols Words images gestures and expressions we use to represent out thoughts ideas beliefs and feelings Rhetoric The are of effective or persuasive speaking or writing The Process of Communication Two or more communicators Initiator Sender One who begins the communication process by generating a Interpreter Receiver One who perceives and attempts to understand a message message One or more messages Encoding the initiation and creating of a message as a communicator translates ideas thoughts and feelings into symbols Message Symbolic expressions of ideas thoughts and feelings that can be verbal nonverbal or both Verbal Communication Messages expressed through a formal language and the language can be oral written or signed Oral Communication Less formal than written more interactive and more personal Nonverbal Communication Messages expressed through symbols other than words hands facial touching vocal inflection clothing Decoding Interpretation of a message by deciphering symbols into understandable and meaningful ideas thoughts and feelings Self Total composite of a persons personally and experiences and identity One or more communication channels Channel The mediums that carry messages between communicators Specificity Refers to the ability of a channel to focus or customize the message for particular individuals Can deliver a unique message to each communicatory Richness refers to the number of verbal and nonverbal cues or modes of communication that the channel carries Interactivity Facilitate rapid feedback of a message and allow the communicator to respond immediately to the message Noise Anything that interferes with the creation of shared meaning between communicators Internal Noise Physiological need or psychological characteristics interfere in the communication process Within one of the communicators or channels External Noise Interference in the environment surrounding the communicators or channels Feedback A response or reaction to a message It tells us if our messages are being interpreted as intended Context Is the environment surrounding the communication process Physical Setting The setting can have a profound impact on the communication situation Depending on where you sit in class and if you enjoy the lecture Communicative Setting Refers to the number of communicator the type of relationship and the nature of the interaction Intrapersonal Communication Communication with ones self Talking and even disagreeing with yourself at times Interpersonal Communication Interaction among a small number of people and is characterized by more personal and individualized communication Small Group Communication 3 7 people who communicate over time to accomplish some goal or purpose Public Communication Interaction with larger numbers of people Public speaking Mediated Communication Communication using some form of technology and includes communication by means of television radio film books newspaper and Internet Culture Everything that makes up ones way of life including shared values knowledge behaviors and symbolic Co Culture Cultures within a culture Reflect both connections to and distinction from the dominant culture The Dynamic Elements of Communication Transactional communication Communicators initiate and interpret messages simultaneously Content Level of Communication Is the level of a message that is the substance or purpose for the communication Relationship Level of Communication The level of the message that established the nature of connection between communicators Civility Can be reduced to simple politeness It also means accepting others as equal partners in reaching common goals Ethics Refers to the principles that guide our decisions about what is good or bad right or wrong Determining whether our actions are consistent with our values Honesty Appropriateness responding in ways that fit the communication context Perspective Taking Is the ability to consider behavior from someone else s point of view Self Monitoring The ability to see thing about and act based on the consequences of your behavior High Self Monitor A person who behaves communicates appropriately for a situation Low Self Monitor A person who does not change behavior to fit the people or situation They act the same way no matter what Verbal Language The systematic use of words and symbols to create and convey meaning Written and oral both use verbal language Oral can convey more meaning and significance Symbolic Nature of Words They represent ideas or objects that allow us to talk about them Symbols allow us to talk about things that do not exist Example Thomas Jefferson is symbolic but is not present Arbitrary Nature of Words They have no direct connection to the objects they represent Different parts of the world may have a different word for something Example American Library France Biblioth que Ambiguous Nature of Words Their meanings are not always clear and a wide variety of interpretations are sometimes possible Example Oh he passed well he could have passed on a job passed away or made it to the next round of an interview Changeable Nature of Words Words change based on social political and cultural contexts and the historical time in which they are used Example Gay happy or whom you love Appropriated Borrowing words from another language Example the word Barbecue is Arawak alcohol Arabic and Yogurt Turkish Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis Our thoughts are influenced by the words that we know and the patterns of the language that are dominant in our culture The more words we know the easier it is to convey a message sending and receiving Denotation The most concrete specific and objective meaning of a word Is the most widely shared meaning of a word Concrete Words that have a clear denotative meaning Example Alligator lamp chair Only one meaning for each item Connotation Refers to the meanings of words based in specific individual or cultural experiences or values Example Green can refer to eco money or sick Blue can represent the color and sadness Abstract Words that have no physical referent they refer to thoughts theories or feelings Abstraction Ladder Everyday items can take on abstract levels of meaning Example 20 paper to 20 to money to power Codes Is a set of conventions or rules that is shared by members of a culture and

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