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Google Company Overview Search What is Google The perfect search engine it understands exactly what you mean and gives you exactly what you want Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998 Google s 10 Things 1 Focus on the user and the rest will be done alone 2 It is better to do one thing really well 3 Fast is better than slow 4 Democracy on the web works 5 You need not be at your desk to get an answer 6 You can make money without doing evil 7 There s always more information out there 8 The need for information crosses all borders 9 You can be serious without wearing a tie 10 Great is not enough Suggestions Note Google s 4th 6th beliefs Google Company Overview Search How has Google Expanded Search Did you mean Google cn They now allow people invest in their company buy shares Advertisements on their website Allow users to publish pictures and videos on Google Let people revise search with a load of options Google s Popularity Search Provides the best search results for their users by constantly updating their search algorithm so that relevant results are provided Invests more in their sophisticated algorithm than other search engines Created Adwords that allows companies to buy advertising space alongside the search results making Google the most profitable search engine Built a brand that is one of the best known in the world Google s Popularity Search Commonly Searched for Items De niCons Sports Info Images Wikipedia Clothing Websites Online shopping Travel Info EducaCon Work Misc Music 88 College aged responders How often do you use the search engine Google com 11 once daily 37 2 5 times daily 27 5 10 times daily 25 10 times daily Google Products Available to US Search Many popular devices Glass Fiber Nexus Tablets phones Chromecast Chromebook Useful systems Android Google TV Dozens of web applications Maps YouTube Google Gmail GoogleDocs American StaCsCcs Search Physical Products Online Applica4ons 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Heard of Own Heard of Use The Establishment of Censorship in China Search Great Leap Forward failed 1958 1961 Lead by Mao Zedong 2nd attempt also lead by Mao 1966 Make up for mistakes of Cultural revolution mass refom The effects of opening up a global market What is Censorship Like in China Search Economy Economic protectionism Strict regulations foreigners and locals Many religious texts banned or censored Regulated by the Communist Party of China Edward Snowden incident in China Cultural Political Social Media Civil rights come second to the protectionism of the country protesting etc Must follow strict censorship regulations or risk punishment or being banned Banned Media in China Search The Public Opinion of Censorship Search Do you know about the censorship policies in you country Why do they exist Have you ever experienced censorship Do you feel like you need to censor yourself What are your opinions on these policies Do you think things are changing How Censorship E ects Business in China Search Effects both local and foreign business Most business involves internet usage Modern Age They have eyes everywhere Don t want to follow the rules then you re out What is the Great Firewall of China Search Part of China s Golden Shield Project The project mainly focusing on Internet security control and censorship Name comes from a paper named The Great Firewall of China by Charles R Smith in 2002 GFW is well known by blocking famous foreign websites including Facebook Twitter and Google in main land China It has became a invisible cyber wall blocking the Chinese people from the outside world What is the Great Firewall of China Search Due to the advances in researches the softwares of the GFW is getting stronger everyday Maybe is the biggest internet censorship network ever created in human s history Able to censor all of the Chinese network traffic including but not limited to IM messages E mails and website contents block certain webpages and websites and record all users activities on the Internet at least for years Behind the Great Firewall of China Search Video Search Results Report Images Why Google Went to China Search Why Google Went to China Search Timeline of Google in China Search September 4 1998 Start of Google Operations Timeline of Google in China Search 2000 Google begins Chinese language service operating out of the US Timeline of Google in China Search 2002 China blocks Google then restates it Timeline of Google in China Search Late 2004 Google starts considering Chinese Operations Timeline of Google in China Search January 2006 Google launches Google cn Timeline of Google in China Search March 2009 China censors YouTube Timeline of Google in China Search January 2010 Operation Aurora Timeline of Google in China Search March 23 2010 Hong Kong Redirect Timeline of Google in China Search March 30 2010 Google banned throughout China Timeline of Google in China Search June 30 2010 Google ends the automatic redirect instead posting a link to Google hk signaling a split from China What can Google do Search According to Forbes Google can end censorship in 2 steps 1 Google needs to first switch its China search engine google com hk to https by default 2 If the website that a user tries to visit is blocked Google should redirect the user to a mirrored version of the same website hosted by Google Google Today Search January 28 2014 Google cn is once again accessible moving towards encryption which cannot be blocked by the Great Firewall EncrypCon could open up countries with strict censorship laws Eric Schmidt Google ExecuCve Chairman Similar Cases Search January 22 2014 All users trying to access many popular websites in China were redirected to this U S site advertising software to circumvent China s Firewall February 12 2014 Microsoft denies allegations that it is censoring Chinese language results outside of China Google v Ethics Search Google stays in China and says their objective is to give Chinese users get the greatest amount of information possible Google argues their search engine is the only one that lets users know if results have been censored ultimately better for Chinese citizens Do you think Google should have entered China and engaged in self censorship rather than having the government censor

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