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arcgis com Make an account Search for Geog 304 maps Open map of Rents Create Map Notes with last 4 digits of your birthday Averaged out rents from close to campus semiperiphery and periphery Von thunen Theory was proved true Von Thunen Model Diminishing Returns and Economic Rent Economic rent the difference in net profits between two units of land Rent diminishes with distance from market The Isolated State Large city is the only market Differential rents because of transport costs Net profits of farmers closer to market are higher because of lower transport costs Product price plus transport cost are important Modified Patterns of Agricultural LAnd Use The real world is more complicated than this especially in an increasingly globalized world Location Rents or Competing Costs It will cost a lot more to rent land closer to the market Vegetables can be close to the market because the cost to transport is low but the amount of land that they need is low Beef production needs more land but is heavier to transport

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TAMU GEOG 304 - Notes

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