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ISS 310 03 Film Cree Hunters of Mistassini 2 3 2014 Film Questions From the film what is the guiding philosophy regarding hunting A man who lives by hunting cherishes the land He goes through hard times and therefore cherishes it more Giving back to the earth rituals Honoring the animals that they killed Being thankful that they had food to provide for their families How does this philosophy shape the practice of hunting They hunt sparingly only taking what they need and being very thrifty What is the importance of the various ceremonies that are shown in the film Burning the bear bones in a ritualistic way shows their respect for the bear an all knowing animal and that will allow him to keep letting himself get killed They also hang bones from trees to show their respect of the bear Separating the baby moose fetuses from the mother and feeding them Fest rituals put art of the food into the fire this way they give it back to the outside where it came from They also throw some tobacco into this Rub bear grease into their hair during a fest to give them good thoughts Rub animal grease on their guns Play the drum at the end of the feast hunters song celebrate the successes of the days hunt How is knowledge disseminated among members of the family and larger Cree community Parents teach their kids the tricks of the trade while they re growing up They take their children out of the white man school so that they can teach them survival skills of the bush Are there different types of knowledge What are they Fathers teaching their sons hunting how to find beavers building cabin etc o o Mothers teaching their daughters how to prepare the kill when it s brought in taking care of the housing flooring sewing foraging etc Surviving the winter is done at a cost What are some of these costs Rough times not always well fed because of lack of large game They need to survive off of smaller animals ducks and fish Out hunting the land had to migrate Men were nearly never home out traveling for food for weeks months at a time Have to work all year round to store food for the winter Bear was the most sacred animal

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