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Rise of Qatar s GDP GDP growth exploded with the oil boom in 2000 and now it is the richest country in the world as far as GDP per capita almost twice of United States and almost 50 of households are millionaires 60 of their economy is based on oil not good to be based on only one thing Population is 1 9 million but only 250 00 are Qataris only about 15 of the population Country is expanding like mad so they need a lot of laborers they have lots of construction laborers are separated from the Qataris Gender ratio is staggering 1 4 million males versus 0 5 million females there s not a whole lot to do other than shop There s Culture NPR Article about what films sell outside of US comedy doesn t translate well but action sells very well abroad Swedish films Fucking Amal to use profanity is not a big deal did really well in Sweden Used title Show me love in the US Are Americans too uptight and sensitive Many people think that we are worried about offending someone worried about getting sued What is the cultural stereotype of Australians highlights the challenges that business confront when they open up their market Colonel Comes to Japan to outside cultures Japan is the second biggest economy in the world at the time high income and high consumption lucrative well established business market but very few companies succeed in Japan Why is the failure rate so high for American or foreign companies in Japan extreme cultural differences management styles tastes and preferences regulations for FDI What does it take for foreign companies to do well in Japan Long term vision don t just focus on the next quarter Shareholder US vs stakeholder Japan Have a local partner to tell adapt to local tastes and preferences Implicit vs Explicit Culture Handshake trust is very important a lot of things don t have to be written down points to the importance of non verbal communication Contracts are shorter in Japan than US Cultural Differences Lots of smoking in the film When Starbucks started up in Japan they didn t allow smoking in their stores and they actually succeeded but they Japan is very masculine culture Hofstede s cultural index Japanese 3Ss Sleep smile silence If you don t know what to say you don t say anything In parliament sleeping is condoned Understand the power of silence Asians are highest percent 565 1000 Christians highest religion very Cultural Makeup diverse What is Culture shared patterns of behavior Systems of shared meaning or understanding a set of basic assumptions Norms Society Social rules that govern people s actions towards one another Differ across culture Social what is the norm for paying the bill on a date tipping Work norms teamwork overtime lunch breaks Family norms division of labor within household group of people who share a common set of values and norms Size nations colleges subgroups secret societies Ex Aggie Culture Determinants of Culture Social structure How is society organized Gemeinschaft Gesellschaft communication association dependent individual disassociation independent Social mobility mobility tables start on y axis end on x axis With perfect mobility there would be on each square Class reproduction intergenerational mobility is low ie there is very little mobility across social classes across generations

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TAMU SOCI 325 - Rise of Qatar’s GDP

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