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BIOSC 0160 CRN 12336 YELLOW Foundations of Biology I Foundations of Biology I Fall Term 2010 Dr Laurel Roberts 4th EXAMINATION Before filling in your name and PeopleSoft ID please check that the color of your scantron sheet matches the color of your test In column J of the scantron sheet blacken the circle corresponding to the color of your exam white 1 blue 2 pink 3 yellow 4 Proceed with the exam choosing the best answer for each of the following questions and blackening the proper circle on the answer sheet with a Number 2 pencil Read each question carefully before marking the best answer on your scantron sheet Work thoughtfully Make educated guesses if necessary Even wild guessing throughout should net you 20 of the total points on the average PLACE THE ANSWER SHEET IN ITS OWN COLOR PILE when you are done 1 The respiratory system of insects consists of a branched air tubes called spiracles that supply capillaries branching gill systems that end in openings called spiracles d e extensive layers of gas exchange tissue just under the exoskeleton X b branched air tubes called tracheae that supply capillaries c branching gill systems that end in openings called tracheae 2 In the red blood cells passing through the body tissue capillaries carbonic anhydrase the concentration of CO2 while in the lung capillaries it the concentration of and therefore CO2 a increases increases carbonic acid X d decreases increases carbonic acid b increases decreases bicarbonate e decreases increases bicarbonate c decreases decreases carbonic acid 3 The diversity among antibodies occurs mainly through a posttranslational modifications d DNA changes X b protein folding differences e None of the above c different patterns of methylation 4 The lungs expand in inhalation because a the diaphragm contracts upward d lung tissue actively stretches b the shoulder girdle moves upward X c the volume of the thoracic cavity increases e the lung tissue rebounds from exhalation 5 Which of the following is not a nonspecific defense a The skin b The normal fauna c Lysozyme d Defensins X e All of the above can be used as nonspecific defenses 6 The specific location of the heart pacemaker is the X a sinoatrial node b atrioventricular node c Purkinje fibers d bundle of His e ventricular mass YELLOW Page 2 a IgE b IgM c IgG X X a b c 7 Why is nitrogen fixation such an important process a X b Nitrogen fixation can only be done by certain prokayrotes Fixed nitrogen is most often the limiting factor in plant growth d e Nitrogen fixing bacteraia can be symbiotic with legumes Denitryfying bacteria are better adapted to their environment c Nitrogen fixation is very expensive in terms of metabolic energy 8 In the human body the most abundant antibody class is d cytokine e monoclonal 9 Plant and animal defenses share many similarities Which of the following is NOT a similarity they share All of these are common to plants and animals Both use ligand receptor binding d e Both have a systemic immune response Both produce defensive proteins that attach to the pathogen Both release alarm signals to notify uninfected cells 10 In the human heart blood is pumped from the left ventricle into the a right ventricle b left atrium c right atrium d pulmonary circuit X e systemic circuit 11 Blood pressure is than osmotic pressure at the arterial end of a capillary bed and the process of occurs there a greater reabsorption X b greater filtration c lesser reabsorption d lesser filtration e lesser edema 12 The mouth or oral cavity is the site of a mechanical digestion b chemical digestion c ingestion d A and C X e All of these Page 3 YELLOW 13 If a child has Kwashiorkor they have a X a protein deficiency that results in the plasma of the blood losing fluid and thus edema as the tissues of the body fill with fluid b protein deficiency that results in a lack of blood being made which then leads to lack of oxygen in the body as well as a compromised immune system c lipid deficiency that causes lymph to replace fat cells beneath the skin creating edema d e carbohydrate deficiency that results in a drop of blood pressure that in turn causes more water from the blood stream leaking into the body tissues than can be returned overall caloric deficiency which causes the body to break down connective tissue in the skin of the limbs and abdomen causing the skin to sag away from the skeleton 14 The acid in gastric juice that is lethal to many pathogens is a sulfuric acid b carbolic acid X c hydrochloric acid d formic acid e protease acid 15 Despite multiple exposures to HIV people who lack never become infected with the virus a gp41 b gp130 X c the co receptor CCR5 d helper T cells e reverse transcriptase 16 One specialized type of defense by plants involves the production of Canavanine Canavanine X a b c mimics the structure of the amino acid arginine d A and B e A and C prevents the production of certain proteins within the predator changes the secondary structure of certain proteins within the predator 17 The region of an antibody determines its class the region determines its specificity a constant specific X b constant variable c specific constant d specific variable e variable constant 18 Although mistletoes are green they are considered to be parasites because X a b they depend on other plants for water and minerals they cling to woody plants for physical support c they capture and digest insects d they have root nodules containing nitrogen fixing Rhizobium e their chlorophyll is not functional YELLOW Page 4 19 ESSENTIAL nutrients for an animal a are the vitamins b can be obtained only from vegetable foodstuffs X c are biomolecules the animal cannot make itself d are required only during the growth and development stages of an animal s life e are not catabolized 20 Mycorrhizae can be defined as a symbiotic relationship between a algae and fungi b algae and bacteria c fungi and bactaria d plant root and bacteria X e plant root and fungi 21 Which of the following statements about the air sacs of birds is false a They connect with each other b c They occur in anterior and posterior pairs They make the bird s respiratory system more efficient than a mammal s d They allow for one way air flow through the lungs X e They provide an extra gas exchange surface 22 Which three elements are most commonly added to agricultural soils in fertilizers a Nitrogen phosphorus iron d Nitrogen potassium phosphorus b Nitrogen potassium iron e Nitrogen sulfur iron c Potassium

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