ADVERTISING GENDER REPRESENTATIONS Roles of Women disproportionately seen in domestic roles laundry cleaning cooking child care Business professional community roles downplayed range of occupational roles has increased Superwoman example Bell telephone commercial Dasani mom cleaning kids in bath then taking own bath Mccormick thanks mom for the meal Portrayals of WOMEN Thin Ideal Av US woman 5 4 and 140lbs Av US mode 5 11 and 117lbs Gap widening between models and REAL women 1975 8 less than average woman now 23 less Even young girls are body consious many 6 12 yr olds have been on a diet 35 53 of 13 yr olds report being unhappy with their bodies Most normal weight girls believe they are overweight 50 70 Women in Advertising Lego commercial targeting girls Abercrombie push up bikini top for little girls Progressive Ads Dove Campaign for Real Beauty launched in 2004 real women not models focus promote natural beauty slogan real women have curves huge reach and impact commentary in the news mostly praise some criticism Representation of men Some very stable stereotypes sturdy oak hard working good provider big wheel trappings of social and financial success tough emotionless beings upper body muscles six pack Physical Appearance attractive strong emphasis on young balding weakness Roles Primarily outside the home uncomfortable out of place in domestic roles unable to function with regard to housework childcare need to be bailed out by wife SEX APPEALS varies by gender sexual elements in ads have become more visual more overt explicit Objectification women or men as sexual object body part as an object Types of sex appeals low association paris hilton and hamburger no connection high association axe body spray use it you will get girls mixed results like the ads but have negative attitude about the product mixed results turns people off of products because of negative attitude Does Sex Sell Attention an orienting response Involvement and interest Recall typically remembered Attitudes Purchase Intentions Distraction Hypothesis forget product category particular appeal happens in low association ads Varies by audience members sex of the viewer age of the viewer attitude towards sex in the media generally SEX TV Relationship between media and advertising content Sex on TV attention enjoyment ratings sweeps C A of TV Guide 35 of network ads contain some sexual reference example Gossip Girl References to sex on prime time TV promotions have increased over time Balancing act tension between ratings and offensiveness audience has powerful effects Products rarely advertised considered potentially offensive to viewers and not generally seen on TV condoms birth control
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