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Alcohol Tobacco Advertising Early Days of Tobacco Advertising Emphasized health benefits of smoking Pseudo science a harmless restoration of the flow of natural body energy just what the doctor ordered example Luckies less irritating More doctors smoke camels Started targeting women Virginia Slims You ve come a long way baby Linking smoking with a thin ideal Choose Lucky instead of Sweets Imagery in Tobacco Advertising Sporting events Tobacco healthy outdoor life Celebrating life relaxation being with family 1964 Surgeon General s Report Cigarette smoking is a health hazard of sufficient importance to the US to require re medial action Warning notices on packages 1965 Caution Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health Link between advertising and usage Cigarette companies claim ing smokers to switch brands Public Health advocates Ads do not encourage new consumers to smoke but they want to persuade exist Tobacco Advertising is regulated Ads for tobacco are banned on radio TV and internet FTC can detect action to stop print ads for tobacco from being deceptive unfair Cigarette Advertising in the US 1994 Heads of top tobacco companies swore to congress that nicotine is not addic tive Litigation followed Many states sued Big Tobacco 246 billion Master Settlement Agreement 1998 Tobcacco industry agreed on new guidelines 1999 Tobacco companies admitted nicotine is addictive Master Settlement Agreement some requirements include Can t target youth under 18 one event sponsorship yr no ads in malls arcades stadiums arenas naming rights no sponsorship of team sports events or other events with significant youth audiences no cartoon characters states receive funding for tobacco prevention control Did the MSA help Five biggest tobacco companies had a record spending on advertising the year after it was implemented Tobacco ads in Sports Illustrated Rolling Stone increased after agreement significant youth readership 23 of RS readership is under18 In store promotions increased Funds for tobacco cessation programs typically not applied in this way used for tax cuts roads etc Recent More IN STORE marketing highly effective at reaching kids 75 of teens shop at convenience stores once a week Cigarette Advertising Targeting Children People who smoke start young 50 of smokers begin by age 13 90 by age 19 Replacement smokers Every day 3 000 US adolescents start smoking 750 of them will die of a smoking related disease Adolescents are key demographic since smoking begins during this time Do tobacco companies target youth They say NO Advertising execs say YES Companies documents say YES Appeals to Youth Joe Camel as recognizable as Mickey Mouse among 6yr olds found in a study In 1997 RJReynolds discontinue use of Joe Camel in U S Pressure from number of groups including FTC 1973 Marketing Memo To help lure younger smokers away form Phillip Morris Marlboros the leading teen brand comic strip style copy might get a higher readership among young people than any other type of copy of teen smokers under 18 who chose camels use to be 1 Smokers depicted as independent youthful adventurous Sanitized not showing negative effects only showing clean easy lifestyle Effects perceptions of the pervasiveness of smoking image associated with smoking Misperceptions in these areas are a risk factor for smoking initiation Is Cigarette Advertising Effective Stanford School of Medicine Lecture Warning Labels Surgeon General Warning Smoking causes Lung Cancer Heart disease Emphysema and may complicate pregnancy quitting smoking now greatly reduces risks to your health Graphic Warning Labels More than 40 countries now include graphic images as part of their warning labels more of an emotional appeal Food and drug administration proposed 9 graphic warning labels to be used in the US Warning labels were to cover the entire top half of the box and include phone number in 2011 to help with quitting Several tobacco companies sued shouldn t be required In 2013 the US appeals court ruled in favor of tobacco Said the label violate the tobacco industry s 1st amendment rights FDA says it will go back to drawing board Forbidden Fruit Effect Theory of Psychological Reactance restricted content becomes more attractive

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OSU COMM 3444 - Alcohol & Tobacco Advertising

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