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In your own words describe Miranda v Arizona In your opinion how has the Miranda decision impacted the criminal justice system Is Miranda an effective protection against unreasonable interrogation practices by police Why or why not What changes would you make The Miranda v Arizona case took place in 1963 and involved a young man who was accused of kidnapping and sexual assault He was taken from his home to a police station identified by the victim and was put into an interrogation room He was not read his rights and was interrogated They gained a full confession from him and even had him sign a disclaimer stating that he had been read his rights and understood them Prior to trial his rights were impeded against again as he was denied counsel What the Miranda decision has done to the criminal justice system is show how citizens 5th Amendment rights can be abused by police officers who attempt to interrogate suspects unreasonably The Miranda rights makes it clear to the suspect that they have rights and they are entitled to them I wouldn t make any changes I like that the police officers who are sworn to protect and serve must do so in accordance to our rights granted by the Constitution I like that they must read them to a suspect to make them aware of the rights they have sworn to uphold and I like that they have to read them because it could serve as a means to remind them of those rights also Hello classmates Miranda V Arizona was a case where The US Supreme Court made a decision that there has to be a code of conduct by the criminal justice staff during the interrogation process The Miranda V Arizona Miranda established that the police are required to inform arrested persons that they have the right to remain silent that anything they say may be used against them and that they have the right to an attorney The case involved a claim by the plaintiff that the state of Arizona by obtaining a confession from him without having informed him of his right to have a lawyer present had violated his rights under the Fifth Amendment regarding self incrimination In my opinion this has impacted the criminal justice system because it makes police officers have to give anyone who is being arrested their rights up front and in the event that someone is not read their rights this is a violation and this could cause a case to take a different turn I think that the Miranda Rights are a benefit to the defendants and help to allow them to know that they are not obligated to talk to anyone without a lawyer and that anything they can and will be used against them which makes me believe that they are informing a person that they do not have to incriminate themselves by no means necessary I think that it benefits people in different ways and I would not change it because if people know their rights and still decide to talk then that is on them and not the police and detectives

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UOPX CJA 364 - Miranda v. Arizona Case

Course: Cja 364-
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