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Do you think the Death Penalty is an effective means of punishment Yes I think it is an effective mean of punishment I definitely believe in the death penalty However it have it pros cons One mean is that it give closure to the victim family Relieving them of stress of that criminal won t hurt anyone anymore I only recommend the death penalty to those that commit a highly profile crime Criminals sitting on death row isn t no good to us Because we are paying for that criminal sitting on death row Many in society disagree with the death penalty The only thing that I disagree with the death penalty is putting someone to death that is innocent I just hope that never happens I do and I know this may come across as an unpopular view but I think it is underutilized I disagree with the housing of prisoners I think it costs too much money and many of them although they do lack their freedom have better benefits and luxuries than many people who are not in prison and in my eyes that is a crime beyond recognition I work two jobs and have no health care If I were in prison I would have 24 hour health care I have been in situations in which I was unsure of where my next meal will come from An inmate has three meals a day I have to work two jobs to pay rent While working those two jobs my taxes pay for a criminal to be housed I am not saying they have a life of luxury but some of the luxuries they do have many of us who are not criminals do not have I think the death penalty as well as capital punishment is underused If they were to implement lashings or some form of harsher punishment I think that although brutal and disgusting would not only deter crime but it would also save the country MILLIONS if not BILLIONS

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UOPX CJA 344 - Do you think the Death Penalty is an effective means of punishment?

Course: Cja 344-
Pages: 1
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