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Quiz 2 Material Endomembrane System ER Protein Import ER Protein Folding Intracellular Vesicle Transport Golgi Endocytosis Lysosomes Exocytosis Endomembrane System Compartmentaliza2on Rule a membrane separates a plasmaBc e g nuclear membrane nonEplasmaBc e g cytosol compartment Organelles with 2 Membranes DNA nucleus physically separates transcripBon translaBon mitochondria ETC citric acid cycle occur here plasBds in plants synthesis of faJy acids synthesis of metalEcontaining compounds such as heme photosynthesis equivalents convert light PMF to generate ATP reducBon synthesize organic compounds by reducing atmospheric CO2 can happen in the dark Organelles with 1 Membrane peroxisomes in all euks oxidize purines like AMP GMP synthesize plasmalogen which synthesizes MTs have peroxidases to reduce dangerous peroxides toxic to cells 2 H2O2 2 H2O O2 glyoxysomes microbodies ER Endoplasmic ReBculum rough ER synthesizes all extracellular space cell surface transmembrane proteins as well as almost all proteins needed in ribosomes Golgi sarcoplasmic reBculum Golgi sends proteins to various regions of cell acts as cell s distribuBon center Billions of Years to Make First Euk Cell chemical evoluBon RNA world proks euks mulBEcellular euks mulBEcellular allows di erenBaBon sexual reproducBon creates variety mitoBc spindle allows for LOTS of DNA in euk cells can manage maintain all of this DNA very well ribonucleic acids RNA store info mRNA or viral genome catalyze reacBons ex ribozymes FsZ Ring important for bacterial plasBd some mitochondrial division Endosymbio2c Theory CBIO3400 freeEliving bacterium endosymbiont organelle DATA w o mitochondria euks produce ATP via fermentaBon 2 ATP glucose instead of via aerobic respiraBon 32 or 36 ATP glucose rRNA data suggest mitochondria are related to Eproteobacteria plasBds to cyanobacteria rRNA stays the same b c nothing would work right if a dramaBc change in rRNA occurred plasBds of brown algae dino agellates etc originated via secondary endosymbiosis engulfment of a euk algae by a euk host w subsequent reducBon to organelle status Eukaryote cid 3 with cid 3 plastid cid 3 alga cid 3 was cid 3 engulfed cid 3 by cid 3 another cid 3 eukaryote cid 3 and cid 3 reduced cid 3 to cid 3 an cid 3 organelle Nucleomorph a small reduced euk nucleus found in certain plasBds etc housekeeping genes required to keep a cell alive majority of genes found in mitochondria plasBds Toxiplasma gondii apicomplexa parasite conoid apicoplast reduced plasBd formed by secondary endosymbiosis Why is the presence of a remnant plasBd in parasites like Toxoplasma Plasmodium of interest b c plasBds aren t present in eukarya humans so they can be targeted by drugs Eukaryo2c Evolu2on all euks have or have had mitochondria hydrogenosomes mitosomes are likely to be reduced mitochondria in anaerobic ciliates fungi trichomonades some have a genome others lack one produce H2 serve in energy metabolism yeast ORF groups sorted by homology archaeal ORFs ER nuclear organizaBon ribosomes bacterial ORFs cellular import metabolism stress response detoxi caBon ionic homeostasis mitochondriaErelated ORFs originated from bacterial ORFs cytoplasm arose from eubacteria euks could be a result of an ancestral archaebacterium swallowing a eubacterium mitochondria formed by same event most likely

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UGA CBIO 3400 - Endomembrane System

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