Chapter 4 Ethics Social responsibility I Ethics person or group is the set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for a conforms to a societies accepted principals or unethical behavior that violates hurts the quality and quantity of work iii Production Deviance a Workplace Deviance i Ethical Behavior right and wrong ii Workplace Deviance organizational norms about right and wrong produced property or products v Employee Shrinkage vi Political Devinace the company others vii Personal Aggresion iv Property Deviance unethical behavior aimed at the companies Employee theft of company merchandise using ones personal influence to harm others in using hostile or aggressive behavior towards b Fines are calculated by a scoring system from 6 to 38 that corresponds to a fine then this value is multiplied by a multiplier 0 4 to get the total amount c Fines are in forced by law II Intensity of decisions i Magnitude of Concern agreement on whether behavior is bad or good the Chance that something will happen and the degree of concern people have about an ethical issue the total harm or benefit derived from the a Ethical Intensity ethical decisiosn ii Social Consensus iii Probability of Effecct harm others iv Temporal Immediacy the act produces v Proximity of Effect distance between a decisiosn maker and those effected by his or her decisions produces on the average person the social psychological cultural or physical the time between an act and consequences the total harm or benefit that an act vi Concentration of Effect the first level of ii Conventionl Level of Moral Development i Preconventional Level of Moral Development b Moral Development moral development in which people make decisions based on selfish reasons moral development in which people make decisiosn that conform to societal expectations the 3rd level of moral development in which people make decisions based on internalized principles iii Postconventional Level of Moral Development the second level of c Proncipes of Ethical Deciosns Making i SEE PAGE 68 69 d Organizations Responsibilities i Shareholder Model profits for the benefit of the shareholder organizations overriding goal is to maximize 1 Shareholders will make the most money this way and can then use the money that they make to diver to the charity that they want This way they have the opportunity to satisfy ii Stakeholder Model long term survival is achieved by satisfying the interests of multiple corporate stakeholders managements most important responsibnility iii
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