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Psychology 2300 Review Sheet Previous Information You should know the following themes or concepts 4 Goals of psychological research o Description define and classify mental processes and behavior o Prediction understanding relationships among variables to predict mental processes and behavior o Understanding identify causes of a phenomenon o Change apply description prediction and understanding to create change in real world theory What is an Induction Deduction Verification Cycle o Induction generalizing from specific facts to abstract propsotions data to o Deduction inferring from abstract propositions to specific predictions theory to predictions o Verification testing predictions by gathering and analyzing data predictions to data 4 Scientific cycles o Theory Data most important research is done to test change and update current theories o Basic Applied Research basic is enhancing existing knowledge and applied is remedial in natural goal is for a particular problem o Peer review experts in the field are responsible for reviewing manuscripts and deciding whether to accept reject or accept with changes o Journal to Journalism cycle journals are written by scientists for other scientists whereas journalism is written for the general public o Frequency speaks to the rate at which something occurs ex 25 of 3 Claims veterans o Association describes how one variable is related to another variable involves 2 variables which are measured o Causal a variable is responsible for causing change in another variable most sophisticated requires the most evidence o Statistical what information can we conclude from the statistics of the 4 Validities study o Internal the degree to which we establish a cause and effect relationhiop o Construct the quality of measures and manipulations how well have ou measured each of the variables o External to whom what or where can we generalize You should be able to identify research designs based off of examples given understand the statistics associated with the design and be able to identify which research design would provide you with the most accurate information given scenarios that will be provided on the exam o Bivariate Correlation Associations between 2 variables The variables are measured manipulate variables for casual claims Correlational studies include both quantitative variables score on an exam and categorical male female variables o Multivariate Correlation o Regression Analysis When we have more than two measured variables However they are useful in helping to establish the existence of a casual claim Testing whether a key relationship holds true amount of time at recess and a problem in classroom for example even when a suspected 3rd variable is controlled for Used a lot for prediction and why an IV is related to a DV New Information a What are the elements of a true experiment Manipulate 1 or more independent variables to create at least 2 conditions often experimental and control Control all other variables by holding constant or balancing across conditions so that conditions differ only on IV Measure effects on the dependent variable a What are the three requirements for establishing a causal relationship Temporal precedence A comes first in time before B Covariance As A changes B changes for example as A increases B increases and as A decreases B decreases Internal Validity There are no possible alternative explanations for the change in B A is the only thing that changed b What is the different between and Independent variable and a dependent variable Independent usually something we manipulate Dependent effect of the manipulation usually quantified a What is the difference between a treatment group control group placebo control group Treatment group gets the variable Control Group no treatment Placebo Group think part of treatment group but not actually given it c What is a random groups design natural groups design matched groups design Random Groups Design equate groups with random assignment Matched Groups Design equate groups by administering a pretest then form pairs based on pretest then randomly assign Then you can compare to each other so that one is the baseline and one gets the treatment to see if it is effective d What is a repeated measures design What are the advantages and disadvantages How do you get around the disadvantages associated with this type of research design Repeated Measures Design participants are in both the experimental and control conditions Advantages requires fewer participants and more efficient Don t have to worry about subject loss as much since you are your own baseline meaning there is higher internal validity Disadvantages practice effects because you re doing task more than once which means you might remember stuff from the first test affecting the DV You can get over this disadvantage by balancing which is averaging practice affects across conditions e What is a clinical trial Field experiment of treatments occurs in real life settings activities f Know the difference between what makes a good experiment and what makes a true experiment A good experiment has internal validity can condlude that our manipulation of the IV caused change in the DV reliable can conclude that the outcome is not due to chance sensitive can detect small effects and external validity we can generalize beyond the experiment to the real world g What is a complex design and when is the most effective time to use it Complex Design studying 2 or more independent variables at the Helps us tell if there is an interaction effect of one IV depends on same time the level of another IV h What is the difference between a main effect and an interaction Main Effect effect of each IV on DV Interaction effect of one IV depends on the level of another IV i If you are given a factorial how do you figure out how many independent variables are present versus how many conditions are present IV s are figured out by how many numbers there are EX 2x3x2 has 3 IV s Conditions are figured out by multiplying 2x3x2 has 12 conditions j If given a graph can you determine if an interaction has taken place or not If the 2 lines are parallel no interaction exists If two lines are not parallel converge diverge or cross an interaction exists k Do you understand the purpose of an ANOVA test can you interpret information produced by an ANOVA test Analysis of variance used for complex designs F test provides information about statistical significance a

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OSU PSYCH 2300 - Review Sheet

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