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COMM 3620 Exam 3 Study Guide woot Romantic Relationships factors influencing attraction proximity similarity resources technology physical attractiveness mere exposure effect the idea that you become more attracted to those you have frequent contact with social exchange theory can someone give you what you want and can you get something better elsewhere birds of a feather effect we are attracted to similar others beautiful is good effect the tendency to give good looking people too much credit matching effect we tend to form long term relationships with people who we judge as similar to ourselves in physical attractiveness difference between liking and loving liking affection and respect Loving intimacy caring attachment passionate love state of intense emotional and physical longing for union with another infatuation compassionate love intense form of liking defined by emotional investment and deeply intertwined lives intimacy commitment Relationship Development deterioration all romantic relationships undergo stages marked by distinctive patterns in partners communication thoughts and feelings How transitions in these patterns are handled can set the tone for a relationship Knapp s stages of relationship development o Initiating sizing up potential partners rely heavily on visual info o Experimenting casual conversation o Intensifying begin to self disclose more information o Integrating begin pulling together to form a more cohesive unit o Bonding public ritual indicating commitment Knapp s stages of relationship deterioration o Differentiating highlighting the differences between you and your partner o Circumscribing spend less time conversing o Stagnating communication slows to a standstill o Avoiding you begin to distance yourself physically o terminating ending of the relationship relational maintenance strategies o positivity o assurances o sharing tasks o relationship talks o social networks 3klio9iuiu768uyhj Break ups Duck s model of relational dissolution offers an understanding for when relationships begin to deteriorate Turning point the realization that a relationship exists but is not rewarded o Intrapsychic phase one or both people begin to brood and start to blame the partner May be looking for means to repair or fix relationship Do not communicate brooding Social exchange theory o Dyadic phase directly address issue s with partner Dissatisfaction is out in the open Expressing and managing conflict The handling of this phase often decides the outcome of the relationship o Social phase social networks are incorporated into the process of breaking up Begin to form individual narratives for the break up Begin dividing social networks Recruit people for social support or turn friends against partner to maintain cohesion in relationships o Grave dressing phase its over Both parties have decided and agreed accepted that the relationship is ended Characterized by several rituals cognitive introspection and reflection Physical burning pictures getting rid of mementos Family Conversation orientation the degree to which family members view communication as the principal vehicle for maintaining family bonds conformity orientation the degree to which family members believe communication should emphasize similarity or diversity in attitudes beliefs and values four family communication patterns o laissez faire families low conversation and low conformity o pluralistic families high conversation and low conformity o protective families low conversation and high conformity o consensual families high conversation and high conformity relationship maintenance strategies positivity openness assurances technology relational dialectics o autonomy vs connection balancing the need to be part of a family and balancing your own identity o openness vs protection must be balanced Friendships activities together Communal friendships voluntary relationships focused on sharing time and agentic friendships voluntary relationships focused on achieving specific practical goals such as those among peers in a study group or colleagues at work rules of friendship and why the rules are important general rules that prescribe appropriate communication and behavior within friendship relatinoships o Show support o Seek support o Respect privacy o Keep confidences o Defend your friends o Avoid public criticism o Make your friends happy o Manage jealousy o Share humor o Maintain equity relational dialectics must balance openness and protection relationship maintenance strategies share activities self disclosure abide by friendship rules Workplace Communication Dimensions of workplace relationships o Status power balance or imbalance o Intimacy professional or more personal o Choice degree to which we get to willingly engage in the relationship organizational culture and forces that shape it a distinct set of workplace traditions values artifacts and practices Socializes employees into the organization Teaches them correct and incorrect behavior Assists with the establishment of relationships organizational networks communication links among an organization s members such as the nature frequency and ways information is exchanged For example you have weekly face to face status meetings with your boss or receive daily reminder emails from an assistant organizational climate and its dimensions the overarching emotional quality of a workplace environment For example employees might say their organization feels warm frenetic unfriendly or serene o Defensive unfriendly rigid unsupportive o Supportive warm open supportive o Strategy vs spontaneity o Dogmatism vs flexibility o Control vs collaboration o Evaluation vs description o Detachment vs empathy o Superiority vs equality mixed status relationships associations between people at different levels of power and status in an organization such as a manager and a salesclerk Supportive climate a workplace atmosphere that is supportive warm and open unsupportive defensive climate a workplace atmosphere that is unfriendly rigid or upward communication messages from a subordinate to a superior downward communication messages from a superior to subordinates Step model names behaviors and patterns and where they go Relational dialects know all three and how to apply them Ducks model intropsychic dyadic social gravedressing Before the 4 stages occur there is a turning point when you realize you are in a relationship but it no longer offers you the benefits that it once

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