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The Great War at Home and Abroad o Gov gave 3 billon dollars for war What will it buy Big issues o Creation of Army o President Wilsons goals for postwar order Universal military training o Supporters Americanize diverse population Efficiency and service Overcome antagonism o Opponents Selective service system Subordination and deference to authority Antithetical to democracy and liberty o Reflects progressive values o Efficiency o Minimize disruption to industry o Voluntarism o Localism Selective service and voluntarism June 5 1917 registration pay Us gov emphasizes patriotic duty Local officials repeat this message Selective service to avoid intense emotion Selective service and localism o Locally administered o Civilian officials o Designed as less antagonistic o Direct hostility from fed gov o Largely successful o 10 mil men on registration day Problems with selective service o Localism means no national standard o Selective service reflects local biases o Racial discrimination Blacks receive fewer exemptions Economic exemptions o Burden of selective service fall heavily on the poor o 50 dollars a week as a soldier salaray Increase in income for blacks Lack of uniform standard o Complicates implementation Different interpretations of exemption policy Wide variety in exemptions Resentment against government intrusion for government wanting to know personal life o Many get married to apply for exemptions o Looked at woman means for support if she had skills or job how much money she had t Determined if man has exemptions Placement within the army o Efficient and rational use of troops IQ tests to determine their role o IQ test o Mental age average whites 13 blacks 10 Alpha test literate Beta test illiterate o Test reflect values of urban elites o Reinforces idea people need elite guidance Later justifies immigration restriction Domestic reaction o 100 Americanism o Espionage act 1917 criminal to provide in subordination in military o Sedition acts 1918 felony to use bad language about us o Opposition to war unpatriotic and criminal o Distrust in government o Post war red scare crack down on communist in us o People changed names of town and food to disassociate with Germany Early American diplomacy o Wilson seeks to keep us out of war o Us officially neutral 1917 o Neutrality compromised early on Cultural and economic affinity with Britain Distrust of German intensions German actions depicted as brutal Wilsonism and American goals o Wilsonism American special mission to redeem the world American values are universal values American exceptionalism o Liberal capitalism and internationalism Oppose tariffs Oppose colonial empires International cooperation o Preserve freedom of action America as an associated rather than allied power Fourteen points o Jan 1918 o Free trade disarmament and dispute resolution Progressive emphasis on efficiency Rationalize international politics and economics o Self determination Emphasis on democracy o League of nations Pairs Peace Conference International body of collective security o Wilson arrives Jan 18 1919 personally represents us o Fails to involve republicans o Last touch with American opinion o European power have own goals League of Nations o Wilson emphasizes league of Nations o Based in Geneva Switerland General assembly World court Big Five council of 5 world powers Compromises on other issues to obtain league o Self determination for European only o Accepts heavy reparations for Germany o Accepts war guilt clause for Germany o June 1919 Germany accepts treaty Fight for Ratifications o Irreconcilables refuse to accept league of Nations small group o Reservationists want to limit Americans commitment o Concern over Article X of League Attack against one is attack against all o Wilson refuses to compromise o Treaty of defeated senate veto to note accept treaty of versaile o Wouldn t end war until Wilson out of office Post War Order o Warren G Harding elected President return to Normaley safe guard America o Reverse of increasing influence of fed gov America in the 1920 s o Major issues of the 1920 s International WWI and Americas changed role in the world Foreign policy in the 1920s o Promote interests o Avoid entanglements political and security o Economic rather than military power Postwar power shift o Center of power shifts of America Manufacturing powerhouse o Us economic power o Change from debtor to creditor Lending over seas o High American standard of living o Link economic growth with prosperity and o American business and diplomacy Businessmen and foreign policy officials Trade and American prosperity Support wilsonian idea of liberal capitalism Open door to ensure access to markets Equal access to markets and raw material Business men act as unofficial agents of govt Financial consultants with foreign government Spread American ideas and interest American lending and investment o Overseas business lending and direct investment o Foreign lending American bankers lend 16 billion during 1920s Finance purchases of American manufactured goods o Direct investments Closer markets and labor savings and avoid tariffs Invest in factories in foreign places Us companies dominate foreign industries Unbalanced global economy Attempt to control crucial supplies and raw materials State department encouragement o Us manufacturers want to sell to Europeans o Also want tariff protection from Euro Competition Short sighted policy o Europeans need dollars to buy US goods o Euros earn dollars by exporting and borrowing o Tariffs force Euros to rely on borrowing o Depends on willingness of US to loan money Loans and American Foreign policy o Some worry about instability created by lending o Herbert hoover argued that govt supervision would prevent American interest o Hover wants govt oversight o Regulate lending vis vis American interests Prevent financing of armaments Prevent unbalanced European economies Domestic Unprecedented prosperity Unstable economic foundations Emergence of mass consumptions society American at Home During the 1920s o Warren G Harding 1920 o Pro business policies o Plagued by scandal o Dies in office in 1923 o VP Calvin Coolidge Former massachutes governor Passive presidency Faith in big business Good for US Break for Harding s balanced approach End government regulation reduce taxes Cut national debt Coolidge prosperity Rising per capita income Increased manufacturing output Increase in consumers goods Automobiles

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