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Ad Promo Exam 2 Chs 7 8 9 10 14 Characters of Objectives Specific Measurable Quantifiable Realistic and Attainable Sales objectives are appropriate in advertising when efforts are direct in nature with direct response advertising a sale or special promotion and when advertising plays a dominant role in marketing program Communications objectives Primary role of an IMC program is to communicate so planning should be based on communication objectives Conative behavioral Ads stimulate or direct desires Affective feeling Ads change attitudes and feelings Cognitive thinking Ads provide information and facts Communications Effects Pyramid is a way to understand communication tasks to be performed by advertising and promotion Advertising moves consumers through the model and is good for setting objectives The DAGMAR Approach model for setting advertising objectives and measuring results of a campaign against these objectives Define Advertising Goals for Measuring Advertising Results Awareness Comprehension Conviction Action Characteristics of Objectives under DAGMAR Concrete measurable tasks Well defined audience Benchmark measures Specified time period Marginal Analysis economic model as advertising spending increases sales and gross margin also increase to a point but then level off plateaus Gross Margin Sales Cost of Goods Sold Profits are shown to be a result of gross margin minus advertising expenses Concave Downward Response Curve Law of diminishing returns as advertising increases it s incremental value decreases i e the more you see an ad the less effect it has on the consumer S Shaped Response Function There are incremental values to be gained from increased advertising but only to a certain extent plateau effect Top Down Budgeting Top management sets the spending limit promotion budget set to stay within spending limit Bottom Up Budgeting Promotion objectives are set activities needed to achieve objectives are planned costs of promotion activities are budgeted top management approves total promotion budget Competitive parity budgets set by matching percent of advertising to sales ratio of competitors Objective and Task Method bottom up budgeting Define communications objectives to be accomplished Determine specific strategies and tasks needed to attain them Estimate costs associated with performance of these strategies and tasks Percentage of sales Top down budgeting most commonly used always spend a percentage of profit on advertising etc backwards thinking downward spiral Payout planning a bottom up approach Share of voice my advertising spending divided by all spending in category Creativity a quality possessed by persons that enables them to generate novel approaches in situations generally reflected in new and improved solutions to problems Advertising creativity the ability to generate fresh unique and appropriate ideas that can be used as solutions to communication problems Creative strategy Determining what the advertising message will say communicate Creative tactics Determining how the message strategy will be executed Divergence Originality flexibility elaboration synthesis artistic value Relevance Ad to consumer Brand to consumer Creative advertising Poets are creative good advertising makes an emotional connection with consumers Hard sell advertising Suits are rational salesman Advertising must sell the product use selling points and information Account planning process by ad agencies to facilitate the creative process conduct research and gather all relevant information about a client s product or service brand and consumers in the target audience Young s Creative Process Immersion Get raw material and data and immerse yourself in the problem Digestion Take the information work it over wrestle with it in your mind Incubation Turn the information over to the subconscious to do the work Illumination Eureka I have it phenomenon Verification Study the idea evaluate it reshape it for practical usefulness Focus groups Storyboard series of drawings used to present the visual plan or layout of a commercial Search for a Major Selling Idea finding the inherent drama use a unique selling position create a brand image positioning Unique Selling Position Benefit Buy this product service and you get this benefit Unique Must be unique to this brand or claim rivals can t or don t offer it Potent Promise must be strong enough to move mass millions Creating a brand image develop a strong memorable identity for the brand through image advertising Inherent drama messages generally presented in a warm emotional way focuses on consumer benefits with an emphasis on the dramatic element Positioning establish a particular place in the customer s mind for the product or service based on product attributes benefits price quality use or application type of user or problem solved Informational advertising appeals feature competitive price news popularity Emotional advertising appeals Personal safety security fear love affection happiness joy nostalgia sentiment excitement sorrow grief Social based recognition status respect involvement embarrassment affiliation rejection acceptance approval Demonstration designed to illustrate the key advantages or benefits of a product or service by showing it in actual use or a staged situation Testimonials a person speaks on behalf of the product or service based on his or her personal use of and or experiences with it ex Katy Perry Proactive Basic components of Print Advertising Subheads smaller than the headline larger than the copy Headline words in the leading position of the ad Body copy the main text portion of a print ad Visual elements illustrations such as drawings or photos Layout how elements are blended into a finished ad Ad layout the physical arrangement of ad elements Media planning a series of decisions involving the delivery of messages to audiences Media objectives goals to be attained by the media strategy and program Media strategy decisions on how the media objectives can be attained Medium general categories of delivery systems including broadcast print media Reach percent of unduplicated audience number of different audience members exposed at least once in a time period Media vehicle the specific carrier within a medium category examples Magazine Seventeen Newspaper Wall Street Journal Coverage the potential of audience that might receive the message through vehicle Frequency number of times the receiver is exposed to the media

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