History of the Holocaust Solving the Jewish Question in Romania o Mobs destroy jewish property o Many occasions Policemen and other authorities like mayors and local officials join in on violence as well as condone it and they help to organize violence o Ex Sephardic Jewish community in Bucharest a big temple gets burned in 1941 similar to Kristallnacht except this is spontaneous mob like activity Next set of events o In invasion of soviet union o Romania gets to control Transvestia and this area can be a dumping ground for the Jews of Romania More then 200 000 Jews deported there 250 000 die in these conditions and this process o They start to organize trains ex The Losi pogrom train o German officials are not pleased when Jews from Romania get dumped in the area so they want Romania to stop doing that Dawns on Romanian government that Germans might lose war This would be bad if they continue this alliance because a Might not get territory b Everything they have been doing to Jews will look bad to who ever does win They realize there is a price to be paid being an ally with German The camps start to improve Question of timing they want to stay on side of Germany while calculating the moment to change sides and do whatever they can to make themselves look better to western power who may take over Romania End of 1944 o Romania declares war on Germany o They got all their territory back o 350 000 Romanian Jews survive at 1945 which was probably the largest amount Jews that survived in a certain area at that time but most Jews leave to go to palisade Occupation of Eastern Europe German policy toward non Jewish people In German national culture from 19th century through WWII Eastern Europe occupies a special place in the imagination in German National thinking People always thought about the west 1 German speaking people have a long history in Europe The Monastic state of the Teutonic Knights as they expanded and built a state they spread Germanic culture to Eastern Europe 2 Economic where will massive reserve of resources come from There economic bread basket would be eastern Europe Poland and parts of Russia they would be able to draw on it because the governments there are weak Eastern Europe is not only where you civilize people but also a resource pool 3 Resources will allow Germany to expand Idea that both the US and Russia were seen as models because they were huge Goal is for Germany to exist on its own By expanding you get natural resources agricultural territory and all these things will make your country strong so its about food and power politics Living space War 1939 Invasion of Poland and Poland is defeated in a month After you occupy Poland you have more territory and you can start experimenting they make a laboratory for racial engineering take whole population and doing something to them to get the overall global result you want This can involve moving them deporting them killing them etc racial sifting Heinrich Himmler is very involved Head of SS Head of Security sources o Create a manual labor force that can be used for any project you desire Nazi plans to resettle ethnic Germans in Poland o Begin to take actions against Polish Nation o They needed to cutoff the head of the committee arrested shot brought to o Some are expelled and told to resettle somewhere else they were sifting the camps Auschwitz population How Germans think about the next phase of the war Germany imagined war in east to be different than in the west War in the east was thought to be a race war Set up for war 1 War of extermination or war of annihilation only through absolute destruction of 2 the enemy do you get permanent security Struggle to the death between ideologies communist can never be a Conrad They give instructions to commanding officers that basically justify war crimes Conduct of soldiers in Russia commissar order where Hitler issues and says if you capture any commissar then they should be shot even if they do not offer resistance not taken as POWs because they are to dangerous to be alive Cant expect enemy to follow international law so you don t have to All of this sets a tone for the occupation of the soviet union 3 A number of people in occupied SU really welcomed the German occupation Welcome the Germans because they are not Stalin they didn t know what Nazism actually was Hoped German occupation that would help own nation regroup Enthusiasm for Germans changes over time Germans began to exploit region Massive violence against the local people in addition to shootings of Jews taking place simultaneously Killings of local non Jewish people in reprisal against any kinds of suspected sabotage Massive round ups of people 1 in every 4 Ukrainians rounded up Did not do this for Ukraine but to give Germany necessary living space 4 Policies for those who live in Ukraine a lot of interest in partisan warfare Also planned starvation hunger plan As the murder of Jews is being carried out this is also going on History of the Holocaust Notes for Final Exam Life in Ghettos Warsaw Ghetto piece of geography that is set off from the rest of the city The Jewish Council Ghetto Police in Kovno Lithuania Every ghetto the Germans would elect a jewish council They have the responsibility of carrying out and executing German orders in the ghetto Some of these men were well respected before they were a part of Jewish council they could have been leaders in their town some were random Very varied group of people Germans told them the lives of the Jews in the Ghetto were in the hands of the Jewish council to make they feel they had a duty or responsible the Nazi s wanted this to go smoothly One of the most controversial aspects of the ghetto administration you will see the Germans wanted it to seem the actions were straight from the Jewish council and not them The Ghettos exist to do work Slave labor that is being used understood to be temporary Ghetto should e organized for productive labor All pictures in the ghetto are taken by Germans and are taking to look as though it was not bad so they can get red cross off their back Work papers were essential from 1940 when ghettos were fist established till deportation of death camp During deportation these did not matter Picture of a soup kitchen for those who did not have food was completely false there was widespread hunger in the ghettos People in Ghettos began selling all their stuff Black market in ghettos People began to barter goods once you were
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