Feb 2 3 2011 Adverse hostile hindering Alacrity prompt cheerful readiness Amicable peaceable Anathema damnation ecclesiastical cursing Ascend to go up Astute crafty wily Avid excited Feb 9 10 2011 Cognizant mindful empathetic Corroborate to support with evidence Desist to stop Diatribe rant Doleful causing grief or affliction Dregs sediment contained in a liquid Duress forcible restraint or restriction Feb 16 17 2011 Effigy image representation of a person Egregious serious Emaciated really skinny Eschew to avoid habitually on moral Euphemism nicer way of saying grounds something Exacerbate to worsen matters Expunge to strike destroy markfordeletion Feb 23 24 2011 Flinty stern unyielding Forthwith immediately Furtive done by stealth slyly Gesticulate to gesture when speaking Harbinger prophet seer precursor Haven place of safety harbor port Histrionics deliberate display of emotion Mar 2 3 2011 Imminent about to happen Implacable not capable of being appeased Implore to beg Importune troublesome Impunity exemption from punishment Inane silly insubstantial Inchoate partial in existence Mar 9 10 2011 Incipient early stages of existence Incisive impressively forward Indigent impoverished Inert lacking the power to move sluggish Inundate to flood Inveigh to protest vehemently Jaunty stylish lively Mar 16 17 2011 Loathe to vehemently hate Lurid causing horror or revulsion Meticulous OCD Mundane commonplace Nefarious evil Nuance a particular of something Obviate to head off an issue Mar 30 31 2011 Overt open to public view over hostility Paucity fewness dearth Perfunctory lacking enthusiasm or interest Pernicious deadly Peruse carefully examine Phlegmatic having a slow temperament Plethora a lot of something Apr 6 7 2011 Poignant strong Precipitate to throw violently to hurl Premise main point Privation state of being deprived Propitious looked favorably upon Pugnacious having a quarrelsome nature Raze to burn to the ground Apr 13 14 2011 Remuneration to pay Replete abundantly filled fat Repudiate to divorce formally Reticent reserved Sally an outburst Sanguine blood red confident humor Sinecure position that provides pay wo work Apr 20 21 2011 Steeped soaked in a liquid Stentorian loud gregarious Subjugate to conquer Subterranean below the ground Succumb to give in Supine lying on one s back slack Surmise thought based on scanty character evidence
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