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BIG CONCEPTS What is cancer Who has it 12 11 2012 o 44 of men will develop it prob prostate 23 will die o 38 of women will develop it prob tit 20 will die o largely a disease of the old when nothing else gets you cancer does Why don t people in Mozambique die of cancer How s It different from other diseases o Body cant fight cancer like other diseases o Cant develop resistance immunity and pass it to next generation What is it at a cellular level o Uncontrolled cellular growth o Loss of tissue architecture and function o Connective tissue hijacked from normal function o Cells within a tissue obtaining new phenotype What is it at an organismal level What are the various types of cancer o Carcinomas cancers of epithelial tissues Breast prostate colon lung bladder liver skin o Sarcomas cancers of mesenchymal tissues o Leukemias cancers of blood or bone marrow Arise in bone marrow or in circulation o Lymphoma arise in lymphatic system o Myelomas arise from plasma cells in bone marrow o CNS cancers brain What is the relationship between developmental bio and cancer How does cancer arise and spread o ALTERED GENE EXPRESSION o Caused by changes to the DNA Mutations base changes epigenetics change in gene structure 12 11 2012

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