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1 Collins argues that the building block of society is what Non rational solidarity 2 What are the basic ideas of Antonio Damasio s version of non dualism Body and mind appear separate but are actually complexly interconnected 3 Know the 3 parts of Maclean s model of the triune brain and their features Reptilian brainstem instincts Limbic brainstem Sensory input and feelings Mammalian and the Neomammalian brainstem conscious and higher thoughts Highly evolved in humans Neocortex neocortex Maclean is a reptile that likes to limbo like neo 4 What do we know about the pathways between the limbic system and the the number of pathways greater from limbic to neocortex than the reverse 5 What does neuroscience research show about the processing of stimuli in relation to the limbicsystem and neocortex passes through the limbic system before entering neocortex 6 Know what we had to say about thinking and action in this lecture and what we can conclude about whether people are rational or not 98 of thought is carried out non consciously Conscious decisions are epiphenomena of limbic processing system including emotional memory 7 Should we trust commonsense when it comes to the issue of rationality and emotions Are reasonand emotion really enemies Is the character of Spock on Star Trek realistic emotion and reason closely related spock is unrealistic 8 George Lakoff pointed out 98 of thought carried out non consciously 10 What are the 3 stages of ideas and how does Comte order them according to his 9 Who coined the term sociology Auguste Comte law Theology metaphysics positivism God philosophy science 11 What does Comte say sociology must do Sociology must discovery and investigate laws of behavior 12How does Comte answer Adam Smith s question Adam Smiths question As society becomes more complex what will hold society together Answer Interdependence centralized power and or common culture 13Who did more than anyone else to bring sociology to the masses Harriett Martineau 14How did Herbert Spencer answer Adam Smith s question Interdependence and Centralized government power 15How is Emile Durkheim like Comte and Spencer Advocated for research for general sociological laws 16How is Emile Durkheim like Comte and Martineau Advocated social engineering 17Which two thinkers were suspicious of the view that sociology could uncover timeless laws Marx and Weber 18What did Marx say about the relationship between the productive arrangements and social life It is directly determined by productive arrangements that define the times 19Who said that sociologists should strive to be value free in their work Weber unlike Marx 20What points did Max Weber make in his debate with Marx s ghost Inequality is more complex than class warefare conflict and revolution are not an inevitable result of inequality culture itself can bring about change and to claim that society is moving towards better things is not a value free And this claim may not be true 21Who is known for developing our understanding of how people actively participate in creating societal integration as they interact in everyday life G H Meade 22What are Jane Addams big accomplishments What are W E B Du Bois big accomplishments Jane Addams First American lady to win nobel peace prize W E B Du Boise single handedly created African American sociology 23What does sociology do that psychology and social work don t do Studies social context of behavior 24How did Albert Einstein describe scientific activity Creative imagination 25Understand Table 2 1 on p 34 of Turner s book 26What are the 2 criteria that define scientific claims What do they mean Falsifiable and repeatable 27Scientists seek explanations that have what 6 features Logically sound abstract general precise parsimonious and well supported 28With experiments what do we want to test Reliability and falsifiable 29Understand how random assignment in experiments helps achieve matched groups 30What is the downside of surveys What is the upside Surveys show what people say may not actually think or do Upside is they show statistical data and are quickly administered 31Know the 2 types of observational designs Participant researcher is a member of group Obtrusive Does not participate but watches from afar 32What is the upside of observational designs What is the downside Upside observes natural events Downside different researches may see different things based on biases 33 What s the difference between history and historical sociology see Turner p 38 History deals with what happened Historical sociology focuses on how society advances through history Or how things happened 34What is a theory Well substantiated survey based on fact 35What are perspectives What are they NOT How do theories relate to them Perspectives involve broad untestable assumptions They are not theories Theories come from perspectives They help make theories 36Note that Herbert Spencer and Emile Durkheim were both functionalists Functionalist body of interconnected parts that FUNCTION together Emphasizes harmony and consensus and cooperation 37What are the guiding ideas of the functional perspective See above 38What are the points of critique of the functional perspective Downplays things like oppression and tends to see society as too well integrated and organized 39Know the three variants of the evolutionary persepctive Stage society moves through STAGES Sociobiology focuses on effects natural selection and GENES on human behavior Evolutionary Psychology natural selections has created MODULES in the brain that guide SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 40What are the points of critique of the evolutionary perspective Hard to separate nature and nurture Not as accepted in sociology as biology and psychology 41What are the guiding ideas of the ecological perspective Be sure you understand how it can be applied to real life Social structures exist in areas containing resources to survive When many social structures occupy an area competition is high Selection will favor who is best at securing resources Ex organizations competing for people to buy products 42Know the five main points made about the conflict perspective Roots are Marx and Weber social structures filled with tension society on brink of chaos conflict stems from inequality conflict center of human relations 43What does the critical perspective add that the conflict perspective doesn t already have Adds Marx idea of emancipating people from oppression 44What is the goal of the critical

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