BSCI 202 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE 1 Be able to define and compare body fluid compartments for a 70 kg man total body water is 42 liters 1 1 28 liters intracellular fluid ICF 2 14 liters extracellular fluid ECF 1 3 liters plasma 2 11 liters interstitial fluid 2 Homeostasis be able to define it and explain how it is maintained 1 the process for maintaining a stable internal environment compatible for life 1 most organ systems except reproductive contribute to homeostasis 2 negative feedback control in homeostasis 1 response ends stimulus so ends response thermoregulation 1 2 negative feedback 3 Understand negative feedback mechanisms and how they work to cancel the error 1 most homeostatic control mechanisms use negative feedback 2 shuts off the original stimulus which ends the bodys response to it 1 blood glucose level up 2 beta cells of pancreas stimulated to release insulin into the blood 3 insulin causes body cells to take up more glucose and for the liver to take up glucose and store it as glycogen 4 blood glucose level decline to set point which is the stimulus for insulin release to diminish 4 Be able to explain what the thermonuetral zone is normal body temp is 37 C 1 the range of outside temperature where altercations in blood flow alone regulate body temperature 25 30 degrees C 2 body temperature increase 1 blood flow to the skin increases and you sweat which cools you off via evaporative cooling pores open 3 body temperature decreases 1 blood flow to the skin decreases and skeletal muscles begin shivering bodily hair stands on end to create a pocket of warmer air close to the skin 5 Positive feedback loop know what it is the examples of it to maintain homeostasis and why we rarely see it in normal healthy physiology 1 positive feedback loops cause a rapid change in a variable 2 not common because original stimulus has to stop 3 bodys response increases original stimulus as opposed to canceling it out 4 5 stimulus must end for response to end 6 examples this pushes the variable farther 6 Know the components of the blood know what the osmolority of our cells is know 1 child birth labor 2 milk let down 3 blood clotting what ringer s solution is and why it is used 1 Components 1 erthyrocytes 1 RBC s that transport oxygen and CO2 2 45 of blood 2 Leukocytes 3 Platelets 1 WBC s that defend the body against pathogens 2 contained within buffy coat less than 1 1 cell fragments formed from megakaryocytes important for clotting 2 contained within buffy coat less than 1 2 Ringers solution distilled water containing 8 6g sodium chloride 3g potassium chlloride 3 g calcium chloride per liter same concentrations as bodily fluid iso osmotic 300 milliosmoles kg 1 is used for dehydration during surgury etc to replace the fluids lost and maintain the integrity of cells 7 know what the hematocrit is and why measurements taken from whole blood are important what potential conditions can be diagnosed How know blood plasma pH 1 hematocrit packed red blood cells seen after blood is centrifuged 1 erythrocytes sink to the bottom of the tube 45 of blood 2 measurements of the centrifuged blood are important because they can diagnose illnesses such as cancer or leukemia such as if the buffy coat is especially thick anemia can also be diagnosed if there is not the right ratio of RBC s in the blood 3 blood plasma ph is 7 4 8 Blood plasma know general components of plasma know all the plasma proteins and their functions 1 6 8 proteins increases osmotic pressure definition osmotic pressure buffer H increase blood viscocity provide fuel during starvation major contributor to oncotic osmotic pressure and acts as 1 albumins carriers 2 globulins 3 Fibrinogen blood clotting carriers clotting factors precursor proteins immunoglobulins 2 nutrients glucose aminoacids lipids vitamins 3 wastes urea bilirubin from breaking down RBC s creatine working out 4 gases O2 CO2 5 hormones 6 electrolytes 1 high concentrations of Na and Cl 2 low concentrations of H bio reactive molecule HCO3 K inside cell so has to remain electronegative Ca2 can change electrical charge so not wanted 9 Erythrocytes be able to relate form to function know all functions of RBC s 1 main function is to carry oxygen 1 secondary functions are to maintain osmolarity and blood plasma pH 2 anatomy 1 biconcave disk large surface area favors diffusion 2 essentially bags of hemoglobin 3 annucleate lose most organelles when leaving bone marrow where they are made cannot reproduce 1 hemoglobin bind oxygen strongly but reversibly 98 5 O2 bound to Hb 1 5 flexible membrane 4 no mitochondria 5 6 use anaerobic glycolysis 7 5 6 billion per ml of blood 10 Hemoglobin in RBC s know function dissolved in blood plasma 2 each has 4 O2 binding sites 3 can also bind to CO2 and H 4 made up of iron and polypeptides 5 men 13 18 g dL hemoglobin content 6 women 12 16 g dL 11 Anemia know the various causes and definition how could you diagnosis these how would you treat a patient the decrease in the oxygen carrying ability of the blood 1 2 Causes 1 decrease in hemoglobin number 1 2 results from sudden hemmorhage lyse of RBC s due to bacterial infection lack of vit b12 destruction of bone marrow from cancer or radiation inadequate hemoglobin in RBC s lack of iron in diet slow prolounged bleeding RBC s are small and pale because lack hemoglobin 3 abnormal hemoglobin in RBC s genetic defect leads to sickle cell originally occured as a way to protect from malaria 3 Types 1 sickle cell anemia abnormally shaped hemoglobin due to gene mutation can be helped greatly by constant intake of liquid b c makes them less sticky 2 polycythmia anemia excessive or abnormal increase in of RBC s 3 Dietary anemia iron deficiency 4 perniscious anemia lack of vitamin B12 nessesary for the production of RBC s 5 hemorhagic anemia bleeding out too much RBC s 6 hemolytic anemia malaria or sickle cell anemia 7 Aplastic anemia bone marrow defect due to cancer or cancer treatment 8 4 diagnosis renal anemia kidney disease 1 a decreased erythrocyte count in a sample of centrifuged blood could tell you this 5 treatment 1 if dietary then increase iron containing foods or if sickle cell drink a lot of water to swell sickle celled erythrocytes if hemorhagic than stop bleeding if from cancer than treat cancer 12 Know all types of leukocytes and their functions 1 crucial in immune system complete cells with nucleus and organelles able to move in and out of blood vessels diapedesis can move by amoeboid action can
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