DIGESTIVE SYSTEM MAIN GROUPS GI TRACT mouth pharynx esophagus small large intestine anus ACCESSORY ORGANS teeth salivary glands pancreas liver gallbladder o Connective tissue w blood vessels nerve endings lymphatics o Visceral peritoneum innermost wraps canal organs o Parietal peritoneum outer lines abdominopelvic cavity GI TRACT WALL Mucosa innermost o Surface epithelium o Lamina propria connective tissue o Smooth muscle Submucosa Muscularis externa o Smooth muscle o Circular layer o Longitudinal layer outer Serosa outermost TONSILS Palatine Lingual TEETH Incisors cutting 2 sets deciduous baby permanent Canines tearing piercing Premolars grinding Molars grinding REGIONS o Crown Enamel Dentin bulk of tooth Pulp cavity CT blood vessels nerve fibers o Neck o Root Cementum covers outer surface attaches tooth to periodontal membrane SALIVARY GLANDS Parotid glands Submandibular glands Sublingual glands PHARYNX Passageway for food fluid air 3 parts o Nasopharynx not part of digestive o Oropharynx posterior to oral cavity o Laryngopharynx connected to esophagus 2 layers of wall o Longitudinal inner o Circular outer Stratified squamous epithelium ESOPHAGUS Food passageway uses peristalsis Runs from pharynx to stomach Stratified squamous epithelium STOMACH REGIONS Storage for food mechanical breakdown chemical breakdown o Cardiac region cardia food enters stomach from esophagus o Fundus dome shaped o Body midportion o Pylorus funnel shaped terminal end OTHER REGIONS o Lesser curvature concave medial surface o Greater curvature convex lateral surface o Lesser omentum attaches liver to lesser curvature o Greater omentum attaches greater curvature to posterior body wall Gastric glands secrete gastric juice o Hydrochloric acid o Protein digesting enzymes o Mucus Stomach mucosa simple columnar epithelium o Mucous neck cells produce mucus o Gastric glands in gastric pits secrete gastric juice o Chief cells produce protein digesting enzymes o Parietal cells produce hydrochloric acid o Enterendocrine cells produce gastrin SMALL INTESTINE Digestive and absorptive functions Extends from pyloric sphincter to ileocecal valve Three subdivisions o Duodenum attached to stomach curves around head of pancreas o Jejunum attaches to duodenum o Ileum extends from jejunum to large intestine Ileocecal sphincter transition b w small and large intestine 3 strucural modifications o Microvilli tiny projections of plasma membrane o Villi fingerlike structures formed by mucosa o Circular folds deep folds of mucosa and submucosa LARGE INTESTINE Reabsorb water and compact material into feces SUBDIVISIONS o Cecum saclike first part of large intestine o Vermiform appendix o Colon ASCENDING travels up right side of abdomen TRANSVERSE travels across abdominal cavity DESCENDING travels down left side SIGMOID enters pelvis o Rectum o Anal canal Goblet cells produce alkaline mucus lubrication Teniae coli muscularis externa layer reduced to 3 bands of muscle Haustra pocket like sacs of the walls Anus opening of large intestine Extends across abdomen from spleen to duodenum Produces digestive enzymes and hormones insulin glucagon Pancreatic duct penetrates duodenal wall PANCREAS LIVER Divided into 4 lobes Produces bile breaks up fats into smaller globules Connected to gallballder via common hepatic duct Picks up fats fatty acids GALLBLADDER Small sac on interior surface of liver Stores bile when digestion is not occurring DEGLUTITION SWALLOWING Buccal phase voluntarily controlled initiated by tongue Pharyngeal esophageal phase occurs through peristalsis resulting in delivery of food to stomach LACTASE LAB Hypothesis If sample has glucose she is not lactose intolerant Results no glucose she is lactose intolerant Lactose is not being broken down into glucose no lactase enzyme URINARY SYSTEM STRUCTURES Kidneys form urine Ureters transport urine from kidneys to bladder Bladder stores urine Urethra excretes urine from bladder to outside body KIDNEY REGIONS o Renal cortex outer region o Renal medulla inside cortex o Renal pelvis inner collecting tube STRUCTURES o Renal pyramids triangular regions of tissue in medulla o Renal columns extensions of material inward that separate pyramids o Calyces cup shaped structures that funnel urine towards renal pelvis o Renal hilum medial indentation where several structures enter exit RENAL ARTERY provides each kidney with arterial blood supply o Renal artery segmental artery interlobar artery arcuate artery cortical radiate artery o RSIAC real singers in actual concerts Venous blood flow cortical radiate veins arcuate veins interlobar veins renal veins NEPHRON Structural functional unit of kidneys Form urine Renal tubule extends from glomerular capsule ends at collecting duct o Glomerular Bowman s capsule o Proximal convoluted tubule PCT o Loop of Henle o Distal convoluted tubule DCT Glomerulus knot of capillaries within Bowman s capsule o Afferent arteriole feeds glomerulus o Efferent arteriole receives blood that has passed through glomerulus o For filtration Peritubular capillary beds normal capillaries for absorption o Cling close to renal tubule to reabsorb substances Cortical nephrons in cortex Collecting duct receives urine from many nephrons delivers urine into Juxtamedullary nephrons at boundary of cortex and medulla calyces and renal pelvis RENAL PROCESSES FILTRATION glomerulus to Bowman s capulse REABSORPTION tubules to peritubular capillaries SECRETION peritubular capillaries to tubules EXCRETION tubules out of body Fluid drains into renal pelvis ureters bladder MICTURITION VOIDING URINATION Urine formed in renal tubules Bladder stores urine until excretion Internal sphincter relaxed after stretching of bladder External sphincter must be voluntarily relaxed to void Pelvic nerves initiate bladder to contract urine forced past internal sphincter urge to void ABNORMAL URINE CHARACTERISTICS GLUCOSE Glycosuria o Cause too much sugar intake diabetes mellitus o Cause bleeding in urinary tract trauma infection kidney stones PROTEINS Proteinuria o Cause pregnancy hypertension PUS WBCs bacteria Pyuria o Cause UTI RBCs Hematuria HEMOGLOBIN Hemoglobinuria o Cause transfusion reaction anemia BILE Bilirubinuria o Cause liver disease hepatitis NORMAL URINE SOLUTES Sodium potassium ions Urea uric acid creatinine Ammonia Bicarbonate ions REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM TESTES Seminiferous tubules coiled tubules inside tests site for sperm production Interstitial cells produce androgens MALE ACCESSORY
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