BMGT364 Midterm Study Guide 10 17 12 Introduction to OB Organization o A consciously organized social unit o Composed of 2 people o o Has a common goal s Functions on a relatively continuous basis As an open system o o o all systems are characterized by an assemblage or combination of parts whose relations make them interdependent 4 components task structure technology people actors all organizations are unique and they should be structured to accommodate unique problems and opportunities Formal organization official legitimate most visible part of an organization Informal organization unofficial less visible Evidence based management see alyssa s guide notes at end of this document o Knowing what you know and don t know committed to fact evidence based action o Running experiments and learning from data Perception Perceptual Devices perception process by which individuals organize their sensory inputs in order to give meaning to their environments social perception process of interpreting information about another person depends on characteristics of perceiver target situation o first impression error primacy effect using limited data obtained in first encounter to infer what a person is really like schema scripts categorizations and descriptions of the characteristic features of people situations self fulfilling prophecy Pygmalion effect provoking the response we expect in other people projection false consensus effect assuming that our beliefs values are commonly held overestimation of commonality halo effect drawing a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic contrast effect your evaluation of people is affected by comparisons with other recently encountered people Attributions explaining causes of behavior o Self serving bias if there is a failure the situation is responsible if it s a success I m responsible Mental models implicit generalizations simplifications or theories about the world Influence how we see decide act o o Can be problematic when they are outdated left unexamined widely held Stereotypes see alyssa s guide Building Effective Teams Group 2 people with shared interests Defining a team Team group of people with complimentary skills committed to a goal hold each other accountable o Work interdependently discuss decide do work together to accomplish a goal o Have a team identity with agreed norms expectations o Collective work products services Integrate knowledge skills Why use teams o o Cope with complexity multiple perspectives o o Foster motivation commitment Synergy creation of a whole is greater than the sum of its parts Hackman s model factors that influence team effectiveness Success Factors for teams o Clear shared goal o Competent committed members o Collaborative climate o High standards o Leadership vision Why Dream teams fail o Because they re not teams they re just a group of talented people o You cannot assemble a group of stars and watch them conquer the world o Common paths to failure Signing too many all stars Tolerating competing agendas Letting conflicts fester Hiding from real issues Failing to build a culture of trust o Tuckman s Team development model Form first meeting lay down rules Storm conflict arises Norm members agree on goals Perform group channels energy into tasks Leadership management working with other to achieve organizational objectives central to this is effective use of limited resources leadership influencing others to facilitate collective efforts towards accomplishing a goal understanding leaders managers Management Copes with complexity Plans budgets Organizes staffs Exercises control Essential to ensure steady progress Essential to make stimulate necessary changes Leadership Anticipates change Sets direction Aligns people with vision Motivates inspires trait theory of leadership Successful leaders have interests abilities and personality traits that are different from those of the less effective leaders o o o o o intelligence ambition physical appearance integrity desire confidence Leader behavior o Consideration Relations Oriented Behavior shows concern for subordinates shows trust is supportive of subordinates o Initiating Task oriented behavior defines goals coordinates activities sets high goals Blake Mouton s Managerial Grid see alyssa s guide Transactional leaders guide motivate followers in the direction of established goals by using leading to meet expectations Transformational leaders create the vision environment that motivates employees leading to exceed expectations o o o o o o o o o o Contingent rewards o Correction actions o To achieve performance beyond expectations o To consider new ways to do things Characteristics of Transformational Leaders o Charisma actions based on values ethics model self confidence sense of pride energy Inspiration Strong vision Passion optimism Empower others Intellectual Stimulation Encourage a new look at old work Produce innovation Individualized Consideration Gives personal attention Understands others skills needs Communicates Demonstrates trust respect Situational Leadership Focuses on effectiveness based on the particular setting situation o o Different situations require different kinds of leadership awareness adaptability Fiedler s Model Contingency Theory o Effectiveness depends on 2 factors Personal style of the leader Degree to which the situation gives the leader power o Considerations Leader member relations degree of trust Task structure degree to which assignments are articulated formulized Position power degree of power given to a leader Team Decision Making goal asymmetry when group members goals are different common information effect information shared by more members has more impact on team judgments groups often spend less time discussing unshared info and focus on shared info psychology safety trust team members feel comfortable asking questions more likely to express dissenting views results in more cognitive conflict and broader info sharing conflict cognitive task oriented affective more personal Groupthink occurs when members focus more on agreeing on everything that they fail to evaluate options and make a bad decision Benefits of Team Decision Making Leader impact on Advocacy Orientation Process intervene actively promote debate dialogue o o Content use methods to surface unique info identify important data Inquiry Orientation o Advocate your POV o Aim is to win convert others to your POV o View others as
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