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Terms and topics for First Exam Quiz Fall 2011 History of Cognitive Neuroscience Chapter 1 lecture 1 2 Mind Body Problem Be able to describe how these relate to modern views of Describe the differences and similarities between these views o Dualism Descartes s view o Dual Aspect Theory of Monism o Reductionism View of Monism Localization vs Holism Debate Define Localism and Holism Be able to describe the significance of the following events as they pertain to this debate Gall and Phrenology o What were some of the problems with phrenology Broca and Wernicke Brodmann and Cytoarchetectonic maps Flourens experiment on amativeness brain organization Interactivity Parallel processing vs Serial Processing Top down vs bottom up processing Principles of Experimental Design Independent variable vs Dependent Variable Experimental Group vs Control Group What is a Sham Lesion and when might it be What does it mean to operationalize a concept useful to use one into a variable Overview and Gross Neuroanatomy Chapter 2 Coursepack Readings General divisions of labor in the brain and mind How are input analysis decision making and output generally distributed in the brain Know the difference between afferent and efferent White matter o Hippocampus o Amygdala Limbic System where are these located o What is transduction Navigation in the brain and spinal cord Be able to use these terms to describe the relative position of one area to another Superior inferior dorsall ventral Anterior posterior rostral vs caudal Medial vs Lateral CNS vs PNS including ANS and its subdivisions Know the general flow of information and functions of each division What is the difference between the cranial nerves spinal nerves and visceral internal nerves in terms of what information they send to the brain What are the terms for cell bodies and bundles of axons in the CNS and PNS Compare contrast the Parasympathetic vs Sympathetic ANS Know location be able to identify on diagrams like those used in class and major functions of the Cerebellum Midbrain Thalamus Hypothalamus Basal ganglia o Inferior and Superior Colliculi which is visual and which is auditory o Lateral and Medial Geniculate Nuclei which is visual and which is auditory What is white matter made of Understand the basic difference between inter hemispheric vs intra hemispheric white matter What where is the corpus collosum Grey matter of cerebral cortex What are gyri and sulci in general o What parts of the brain to these sulci fissures separate Sylvian or Lateral Fissure Sulcus Central Sulcus Here s what you need to know about the Lobes o Which Primary Sensory Motor area is in each Know which is V1 A1 S1 M1 What is the word used to describe the topographical organization of each Is the PNS input output to these areas crossed when it gets to the CNS o General functions of secondary association areas in each lobe

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