3 24 14 LAB HW 4 VISUAL ATTENTION Feature Analysis 1 Line circles No line circles 2 Gap No gap 3 Green not green 4 Closed open Print or copy the graphs on same graph i e 4 lines on same graph Which of these conditions do you perform best with The condition that I performed the best was in the Line circles No line circles condition Which condition gave the fastest RT The condition in which my reaction time was the fastest was Line circles No line circles Did your RT change with number of distractors For which conditions Yes I can say that in every condition as the number of distractors increase my RT was slower except in the condition of Green Not Green and Line No Line However the conditions in which my RT was influenced greatly by the number of distractors and where RT decreased greatly were in the GAP No Gap and Closed Open conditions Did you get the results that you would have predicted Use the words pop out preattentive processing and conjunction search to explain your results Yes During the first condition of Line circles No line pop outs where not very hard to see but I think since it was my first time doing this type of exercise I still had a bit of trouble finding the line circle among the distractor s if we were to compare this with the condition of green not green I was slightly faster and the pop outs were more visible The reason why I think I was a bit faster was because the color green itself served as pop outs in which it made the letter stand out more among all the other letters as a result I think this is why I was faster Moreover I think I was slightly faster in this condition because I was looking for the color green and the letter that had the color green among a number of different letters that were of different color conjunction search this could have probably help distinguish it among all the others Moreover even though I was slower in the Gap No Gap condition compared to Line circles No line circles and Green not green conditions I was still able to this condition preattentively which states that it does not depend on attention an object is broken down into features such as color orientation and location therefore in this condition I might have been slower but still able to break down the features such its orientation and location However in the condition of Closed Opened I was the slowest because I had to engaged in conjunction search which requires for an individual to look for two or more features of an object to located the targeted object which can result in having to look longer to locate the object which in the condition of Closed Opened reaction time was slower RT due to that I had to look for more than one feature to located thus resulting in slower RT An example of a conjunction search would be looking for a horizontal green line among vertical green lines and horizontal red lines Why why not
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