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05 03 2014 Social Media Conversation Involves an oral exchange of sentiments observations opinions or ideas Interactivity Non interactive when a message is not related to Reactive when a message is related only to one previous messages previous message Interactive When a message is related to a number of previous messages and to the relationship between these messages Results of Interactivity Acceptance and satisfaction Performance quality Motivation Fun Cognition and learning Openness frankness and sociability Layered Experiences Layer 1 Initial Engagement o Location based o Narrowcast o Conversational o Integrated o Relevant AND unexpected Layer 2 o Deeply interactive o On Demand Controllable o Personalized Social Media Objectives Social Media Mindset Social Media Content Interaction vs Conversation Twitter engagement RT s Mentions Replies Hat Tips HT Favorites It s about dialogue 78 of user engagement comes from retweets Hashtags Clicks Types of Facebook interaction Comments shares likes Post on certain days Time of day Strategies for Effective Tweeting Posting on Facebook o Facebook 8AM 7PM busy hours low engagement 8PM 7AM non busy hours high engagement o Twitter 8AM 7PM busy hours high engagement 8PM 7AM non busy hours low engagement How often should you tweet o 1 4 times day o 2 3 times day not more than 7 week What to post o Facebook photos most effective combo of short long links questions caption this fill in the blank o Twitter photos tweets with links use commands to ask to o Keep posts tweets short less than 80 characters retweet follow Length Social Media Copy TAO of Social Media Transparent Authentic o Revisit your marketing communications social media o Choose your measurement categories that match your objectives objective o Track those metrics through social media Purpose o Provides Benchmarking o Can provide rich information on brand o Real time adjustments Open Social Media Listening Analytics and Measurement Steps and Purpose of Analytics Steps Measuring POEM Paid o Display ads o Paid search o Sponsorship Earned o WOM o Public Relations o Viral o Social Media Conversations o Wiki Owned o Website o Facebook o Twitter o Youtube o Pinterest How they re measured o Impressions Opportunity to see an ad o CPM Cost per thousand o Paid Social Media Cost per thousand vs Cost Per Engagement o Earned Media uploads likes Engagement metrics video views game plays photo Social engagement shres likes comments retweets mentions replies hat tips favorites Comments status updates Media attention buzz press Traffic POEM Benchmarking o Sales behavioral goals o Registrations coupons o Positive conversations o Time spent with social media o Increase over previous methods POEM Data sources o Production Vendor o Social Media Analytics Vendor o Your Technology Platforms Identifying Influencers Klout o Scored up to 100 o Increase score through increased SNS activity scored from 10 equally weighted sites o Still in BETA version algorithms not stable o Indentifies influencers in topics based on what users publish through their SNS o Can be difficult to find influential peer groups need to find 1 person within the group and search topics Kred topic relationships o Helps identify valuable communities and influencers on a o Measures influence and generosity reciprocal o Measures real life credentials o Looks at Twitter Facebook Google LinkedIn interaction Radian6 o Conversation location mainstream news Facebook twitter blogs comments forums videos images o Content Word Cloud o Sentiment measure Gamification Applying game play mechanics to non game applications Integrating game dynamics into your site service community content or campaign in order to drive participation Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Intrinsic motivation o an innate drive to do something or your pursuit of activities that are rewarding in and of themselves Extrinsic motivation o pushes you to do or avoid something because of an external reward or punishment Game Dynamics and Mechanics Game dynamics o Reward o Status o Achievement o Self Expression o Competition o Altruism Gamification outcomes o Creating content o Generating conversation o Sharing information o Repeating desired behavior o Building community Gamification Mechanics o Community collaboration challenge o Leaderboard players o Points currency o Loss aversion date o Appointments o Status Players work together to solve a riddle a problem or a How players measure their progress or success against other players Promotes competition and motivation for Your running value assigned to your completing certain tasks or groups of tasks Can also relate to virtual You can lose points or levels for not completing certain tasks like losing airline miles for not booking by certain Deadlines for performing certain assigned tasks checking in visiting a site playing a level Earn by completing levels or assigned tasks you can even purchase status Higher status players can usually earn more than lower status players o Discovery o Levels Players discover certain hidden content or levels usually high achievement unlocks these items Players can either complete levels or earn their way to higher levels with points unlock additional features or status with each level o Achievements A visual representation of what you achieve in a game Gamification Hints Epic Mix Case Writing for Social Media The Naked Brand Documentary Differences between web and social writing Differences between Google and Wikipedia Writing rules for social media 1 Write to individuals not search algorithms 2 Have real conversations 3 Write in first second person 4 Keep it simple 5 Active voice 6 Newsjacking keep it current 7 Keep it diverse 8 You can t hide the truth 9 Share the love with your competitors 10 Keep it real o The TAO of social media Transparent Authentic Open o Ask real questions 11 Respond quickly 12 Get ready for nights and weekends 13 The long haul digital media objectives take time 14 Keep content relevant and unexpected 15 Short and consistent American Express and Visa cases Social Media Brief Structure of the brief Objectives o Communication purpose objective problem plan will address o What do we want people to think feel do as result of our social media communication Target Audience o Who are we talking to Identification o Key consumer insights o What does audience currently do in social media what motivates this behavior Tone o What aspects of our brand personality voice should the social o What types

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LSU MC 2035 - Social Media Conversation

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