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1 Customer Value Benefit Cost 2 Thin Slice concept you ban be evaluated in 10 seconds and it is relatively accurate importance of likeability 3 Cuties oranges Master brand 4 Which is NOT apart of Market Analysis 4 C s 5 Which is not apart of Segmentation Segmentation Population identifiable Population accessible Distribution get product to them Promotion get message to them Responsive will they respond to message Substantial population big enough 6 Motel 6 used FOCUS GROUPS 7 Know Mystery shopper definition 8 What are the parts of Implementation 4 P s 9 2 parts that change during Product Life Cycle Promotion and Price 10 Which is NOT a component of price Answer PRICE 11 What are the parts of Product Convenience Shopping Specialty unsought 12 What does coloring do for a product 13 Which is not a strategy of Price 14 Which price tactic is unethical 15 Which two price tactics should be compared before implementing 16 Which is NOT apart of the Product Life Cycle 17 Jewelry priced at 299 99 is doing what Answer Psychological pricing 18 What are the parts of Promotional Mix Advertising PR sales promotion 19 What are the two types of Advertising Answers Promote product personal selling Institutional advertising 20 BP oil company doing something Answer Institutional advertising 21 Got Milk campaign didn t succeed b c Answer They were targeting the 22 Gallery furniture succeeded by Answer running commercials between 1 wrong market 4AM 23 Product Placement is under 24 Sponsorship is under 25 Key advantage of Sponsorship Answer Exclusivity 26 M M decline to have their product placed in the movie ET b c Answer because it s too much of a gamble for a company who already has a large amount of brand recognition to pay for their product to be in a movie that has no promise of success 27 Key part of Public Relations Answer Dealing with integrity of variety of media 28 What are the two levels of Public Relation Media Relations Community 29 Yoplait and Breast Cancer Awareness is an example of Answer Cause Relations related marketing 30 What mistake did JC Penny do Answer took away coupons 31 Last step in personal branding Answer Follow up 32 What does Point of Purchase do Answer Direct traffic 33 Visual 55 Vocal 38 Verbal arrangement 7 34 Trojan Fish Theory a successful technique to introduce a product at low price you love it so much you spend equal or more on accessories 35 Integrated Marketing Communication consist of Answer Advertising Public Relations Sales promotion personal selling 36 Which is not apart of the Decision Making Process 37 Which is not a function of packaging 38 Test driving a car is an example of Answer Sampling 39 Gillete giving a razer to everyone over 18 who signed up for draft is an example of sampling 40 When getting information customers trust who the most Friends and family 41 When getting information what are the external factors 42 Which is a unique marketing strategy I think I put Buzz marketing 43 Brass Button Question Answer Know how to handle a difficult question

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LSU MKT 3401 - Study Guide

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