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Chapter 8 Stratification structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in a society o Open system can move up and down on the social scale Ex class system o Closed system no upward mobility possible Ex slavery estate Ex caste system one s status is determined and birth and is lifelong Social inequality members of society have different amounts of wealth power prestige Social mobility o Horizontal movement from one position to another within the same social level o Vertical movement up down from one socio economic level to another o Intergenerational movement between social classes occupations from one generation to the next o Intragenerational changes in social positions within a person s adult life o Structural shift in social positions of large numbers of people due to more changes in society itself than individuals Mobility patterns in U S o Great deal of mobility o Upward mobility more prevalent than downward o Upward mobility of short range variety o More mobility from working class to professional elite in U S compared to other countries Absolute Poverty minimum level of subsistence that no family should be expected to live below Relative Poverty floating standard by which people at the bottom of a society are judged as being disadvantaged in comparison to the whole nation Welfare reform PRWORA The Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act 1996 o Ended long standing federal guarantee of assistance to every poor family that meets eligibility requirements Functionalist View Society must make certain that positions are filled more important positions filled by most qualified people higher rewards inequality inevitable this is good Conflict View people may inherit money and opportunities upper class get greater rewards many able people are prevented from getting positions conclusion inequality not good and inevitable Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Wallerstein s Dependency Theory even as developing countries make economic advances they remain weak to core nations Colonialism when a foreign power maintains political social economic and cultural domination over a people for an extended period rule by outsiders Neocolonialism continuing dependence of former colonies on foreign countries Globalization worldwide integration of government policies cultures social movements and financial markets through trade and the exchange Multinational corporation commercial organization that is headquartered in one country but does business throughout the world Racial group category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of society deem socially significant Ethnic group group set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns Minority group subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives o Unequal treatments o Distinguishing cultural characteristic o Involuntary membership o Solidarity o In group marriage Prejudice negative attitude toward an entire category people such as racial ethnic minorities Discrimination denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals unfair treatment o Institutional discrimination denial of opportunities equal rights to individuals groups resulting from the normal operations of society o Individual discrimination the negative treatment of 1 person by another

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