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Birth of Israel JWST 235 I Birth of Israel a Period between the wars i Population growth among both Jews and Arabs 1 By 1930 Israel was 17 Jews 2 By 1939 Israel was 31 Jews ii British activity stimulates the economy 1 Found organizations to protect Jewish labor similar to unions try to establish common health care but everything is fractured some kind of organized face is put together flow of immigration stops iii British try to stay neutral between parties 1 Balfour Declaration they look with favor on the establishment of a Jewish homeland 2 British control Palestine because they want an exit from Iraq for oil way to refine and ship it out 3 Riots in 1921 1929 and 1936 between Jews and Arabs the ones of 1929 are listed as pogroms iv Dominance of Tel Aviv 1 Jerusalem is always second or third in the Zionist movement 2 Reunification II Jewish Self Defense a Rhetoric and reality of self defense obvious that the increasing population group in Palestine would have to develop some sort of armed dependency b Bialik s call bears fruit c The myth of Joseph Trumpeldor i Heroic amputee ex soldier ii Immigrated 1912 iii Dies at Tel Hai 1920 iv It is good to die for the homeland III Partition a Peel commission 1936 1937 b Split Zionist reaction c European crisis and White Paper of May 1939 limiting future immigration d Zionist ambivalent relation to British army e UN Vote Illegal immigration after the war IV a Partition vote November 29 1947 b British Mandate ended May 1948

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UMD JWST 235 - Birth of Israel

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