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Mobile Apps Tablets 1 1 16 13 Media Persuasion Digital Landscapes Digital Landscapes Fragmentation and digitization Subvert the top down passive one way flow of information Many to many dynamic Access share and even create media content When they want how they want and wherever they want Over 6 billion phones on the planet 77 of the world population Most popular way to get on the Web Overtake PCs as the most popular way to get on the web Americans now carry more smart phones than non connected phones Multitasking while watching TV Smartphone users spend 2 3 of their time on apps It s less and less about the open web Apps killing the direct web Thick vs thin apps Open search based web becomes less important Tablets kill print NYT out of print by 2020 USA Today shifting to tablets Newsweek stops printing Times Picayune goes to three days a week in print Digital vs Print Cloud Computing Ubiquity speed permanence searchability the ability to update the ability to remix targeting interaction marketing via links data feedback cheaper Shift to rent vs own for media content Provides more storage processing power not needed PC as a set top box is a reality Phones are a convergent device The cloud fills in processor power and speed Enables meaningful mobility Branding Apps are about branding Students need to know how to brand themselves with a distinct voice and writing style NYT and 60 Minutes embedded producers Screens HBO calls this TV everywhere 2 Audiences go around traditional means of viewing content Screens are also digital billboards Social Media A digital environment where audiences can create share and interact with content Facebook more information than other platforms Business use twitter more than Facebook easier Interactions Old paradigm Social paradigm Media Tools o Phone call email text chat wall posts silos o Synchronous highly personal location aware interconnected Sites connecting what allows you to post an Instagram photo on Facebook Paid ads search Owned website Facebook twitter YouTube Guts of Social Media The Social Graph APIs application programming interface The Open Graph Protocol Post PC Era The internet of things How do we deal with that o Tools o Content conversations o Strategy o Analytics Media Persuasion Dynamics of Contemporary Persuasion Persuasion True persuasion means choice and trust Trust keeps the balance Necessary beneficial Aggressive problematic Persuasion not equal to coercion Source message channel receiver linear model o Problem is no feedback o Means passive audience o It assumes type of channel doesn t matter Persuasion is the co production of meaning that results when an individual or group of individuals uses language strategies and or symbols to make audiences identify with them Persuasion in the Media Age Persuader Message Audience 1 22 13 3 Persuasion requires IDENTIFICATION Identification Effective persuaders form relationships Either to change or reinforce views Strategies of Identification 1 Obvious and direct Paul Ryan guns quote But how do you cultivate relationships to foster identification The study of rhetoric the art of effective communication o Sophists vs Plato Socrates Key components of persuasion o Ethos credibility trust o Logos consistency logic o Pathos emotions imagination These components are the same today as yesterday But what sets us apart from Aristotle is our MEDIA Which changes the audience and also the strategies we use as persuaders Media are not just passive channels of information Shape the process of thought Walter Ong Theory of Media Culture Humanity has passed through different cultures shaped by each major communication medium Each dominant mode of communication cultivates a particular way Oral face to face immediate experience poetry stories Literate writing evidence separated Print reason Electronic TV radio perceived nearness Emotional appeals Digital web 2 0 interactivity CMC Relationships Social Media Tools and the Apps by the Numbers Why Facebook is Ruling the World Social Media 1 24 13 Aesthetic Shift Facebook has caused this More about authentic Accuracy relevance Up to date timely Appointment ubiquitous Exposure immersion Format fixed format fickle Communication interaction fun Types of social media o Blogs o Microblogs o Geo social networking sites o Social photo video sharing o Social news bookmarking sites o Wikis 4 o Social media Types of Social Media Facebook o 1 billion users o Only 14 of users under 24 o Some college education mostly o Is like your living room kind of conversations in your living room o Strategic mission is to replace email as primary electronic communication o The social fabric of the Web o The Business Network o Social Entertainment Gateway o Allows Facebook integration LinkedIn MySpace Blogs o Really refers to weblog or the blogging platform o Should be written in a conversational human tone and regularly updated to encourage dialogue with and between your consumers o Blogs should be real Microblogging sites o Twitter 61 of all tweets mobile The town square public place public conversations The live internet o Tumblr 80 top Tumblr blogs publish adult content Geosocial networking sites o FourSquare 60 male users o Yelp Business model able to attract a large audience with relatively low content or traffic acquisition costs Part of the Google Ecosystem Social video sharing sites o YouTube o Pinterest o Flickr Owned by Yahoo Social news bookmarking sites o Upvotes and downvotes on comments and content o Digg o Reddit o StumbleUpon Why is Facebook Winning o Attempting to converge all platforms APIs o Code that allows apps to talk share info Theories of Persuasion Attitude Definition a learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to an object 5 1 31 13 Directed towards objects Evaluative Learned Predispositions only Attitude Formation Cognitive information Affective emotional information Past behaviors experience Cognitive Information Beliefs ideas we have about what is true or false o Organized on a continuum of central and peripheral beliefs Central beliefs are essential to one s life and identity ex believing in global warming Peripheral beliefs are comparatively inconsequential ex Brad Bitt lives in France don t matter won t fight on it most persuasion is directed towards this because it is easier to change Affective Information Emotions Needs Values Past Experiences Behaviors If we have a positive experience we are

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LSU MC 2035 - Lecture notes

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