MC 2525 Exam 3 Review THIS EQUALS TEST QUESTIONS Social media conversation 1 Interactivity a Interactive When a message is related to a number or previous messages and to the relationship between these messages b Non interactive when a message is not related to the c Reactive when a message is related only to one previous previous message message 2 Results of interactivity a Results in openness frankness and sociability b Encourage it by letting customers contribute 3 Layered experiences a Effective social media layered experiences i Layer 1 1 Initial engagement a Location based relevant to where you are at the moment b Narrowcast c Conversational d Integrated into content e Relevant AND unexpected ii Layer 2 1 Immersive branding a Deeply interactive b On demand controllable c Personalized Interactive d 4 Social media objectives a 5 Social media mindset but casual 1 a For TV you want to be amused or distracted LEAN FORWARD b For search mindset LEAN FORWARD you know where you re c For social media LEAN FORWARD but casual not quite as self d TRADITIONAL PAID MEDIA CAMPAIGNS CPM cost per e PAID SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGNS CPE cost per engagement going directed thousand Social media content 1 Interaction vs Conversation Interaction is relationship between messages a b Conversation is 2 Twitter engagement It s about dialogue a b 78 of user engagement comes from RTs 3 Types of Facebook interaction a Likes b Comments c Shares 4 Strategies for effective tweeting a Time to reach audience is on Saturday and Sunday 5 Strategies for posting on Facebook a Photos are more effective beat out links and videos 6 Social media copy a Real time adjustments b Creating content in real time c Types of posts i Direct benefit offers a reason to click or read ii Reverse benefit implies you would be worse off for not reading or clicking iii Factual provides interesting facts about the product iv News announces news or promises information v Command orders the reader to do something vi Word play on words vii Provocative tweak their curiosity 2 viii Question encourages readers to find answers by reading the body copy 7 TAO of social media a Transparent be candid and transparent b Authentic make amends c Open no deletions always give your credit for shared content Gamification 1 Intrinsic 2 Extrinsic a Do it because we love it employment a Someone is paying us to do it more like bribery 3 Game dynamics and mechanics a Integrating game dynamics into your site service community content or campaign in order to drive participation b Points your running value assigned to your completing certain tasks or groups of tasks can also relate to virtual currency c Rules good Gamification has rules i Goals x rules environment interesting challenges feedback loops opportunities of mastery d Levels players can either complete levels or earn their way to higher levels with points unlock additional features or status with each level e Community collaboration players work together to solve a riddle problem etc f Leaderboard how players measure their progress or success against other players promotes competition and motivation for players g Loss aversion you can lose points or levels for not completing certain tasks ex losing airline miles for not booking by a certain date h Appointments deadlines for performing certain tasks i Status you can earn this by completing assigned tasks or levels purchase this as well 3 j Discovery players discover certain hidden content for levels usually high achievement unlocks these items k Achivements a visual representation of what you achieve in a game 4 Gamification hints 5 Epix mix case a Leverages RF technology installed at each of the 89 lifts across the 5 mountain resort b RF chips embedded in season passes and lift tickets c Tracks vertifcal feet skied and days on mountain d Allows sharing on facebook and twitter e Recognizes achievements and rewards guests with collectible digital pins Writing for Social Media 1 Differences between web and social writing a Web i Writing for web is about the content algorithms and deeper look of things 1 Digital objectives for web a Get people to look at it b Search and coming up in a search bar c When you write for web you are writing for the search algorithms same content over and over again has to have variety b Social writing i Get people to share you are writing to be conversational know your audience small posts and concise ii Use 2nd person iii Ask questions have real conversations use active verbs 2 Writing rules for social media a Think about conversation b Write to individuals not search algorithms c Have real conversations 4 d Write in first and second keep it simple and don t hide the truth e Newsjacking paying attention to whats going on in the news f Variety g h Ask real questions get audience interaction i Response time ready to move report in real time message Interact with competitors if possible models nights and weekends j The long haul takes a while for any brand metric to move 3 Facebook and Twitter copy Important that copy and visuals are linked a Facebook i ii Think visual less than 80 characters iii Geotarget iv Not a whole lot of slogans or logos v Delete links from your posts b Twitter i Similar to headlines 1 Good posts attract attention 2 Engage the right audience 3 Work with the visual 4 Lure readers into clicking reading 5 Communicate a benefit 6 Reinforce the brand name or identity 7 Make an emotional connection to the reader 8 Communicate in the appropriate manner with your audience 4 Digital objectives a Create content b Generate conversation c Share information d Repeat desired behavior e Build community Generating Social Media Content 5 1 Types of posts 2 American express and visa cases a American express i Very successful early access to Tribeca Film Festival b Visa i Not as effective as American Express Social Media Brief 1 Structure of the brief 2 Objectives address a Communication purpose objective problem our plan will b What do we want people to think feel do as a result of our digital media communication c The hierarchy of effects d Incentivize the share maintain loyalty create user advocacy 3 Target audience a Who are we talking to b Key consumer insights c What info or attributed might motivate our intended response d What does your audience currently do in social media e What motivates this behavior f Where is your brand in social media g Where are there active communities around your brand a What aspects of our
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